RAC (Revue avec comité de lecture)Sabourin, Camille, Martin Camiré, Stéphanie Turgeon. Impact of COVID-19 sport cancelations on the self-identity and psychological distress of high school student-athletes. SAGE Open (2024) : Acceptée Turgeon, Stéphanie, Alexandra MacKenzie, Charles Sebiyo Batcho, Jason D'Amours. Making physical activity fun: Evaluation of the effect of a gamification intervention on physical activity levels and on psychosocial outcomes in adults with an intellectual disability. Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities 37. 3 (2024) : e13213. Turgeon, Stéphanie, J. D'Amours, Christophe Maïano, J. Paré, D. Morin. Strategies to increase physical activity in adults with an intellectual disability: A systematic review of the literature.. ?Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities. (2024) : Bishop, Evan, Stéphanie Turgeon, W Tang, T Newman, L Strachan, C. Bean, Martin Camiré. White privilege in Canadian high school sport: investigating white coaches’ perspectives on social justice issues.. Sports Coaching Review (2023) : 1-22. Lesser, Iris, Carl Nienhuis, Stéphanie Turgeon, Corliss Bean. Examining the role of physical activity engagement on psychological constructs and mental well-being of postpartum women. Women in Sport and Physical Activity Journal 31. 1 (2023) : 40-49. Tarr, C., T. Newman, F. Santos, Stéphanie Turgeon. The duality of sport social workers coaching critical positive youth development within competitive youth sport. . International Sport Coaching Journal 11. 1 (2023) : 124-135. Turgeon, Stéphanie, Jessica Turgeon, Diane Morin. Coaching special Olympics: A scoping review. International Journal of Sports Science & Coaching 18. 1 (2023) : 304-323. Turgeon, Stéphanie, Jessica Turgeon, Marie-Michèle Dufour. L’activité physique: Est-ce encore partie de notre identité professionnelle?. Santé mentale au Québec 48. (2023) : 121-145. Turgeon, Stéphanie, Tarkington Newman, Levone Lee, Corliss Bean, Olivia Nicholas. Social justice attitudes and behavioral intentions of NCAA student-athletes: The role of life skills. International Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology (2023) : 1-20. Newman, Tarkington, Stéphanie Turgeon, Matt Moore, Corliss Bean, Levone Lee, Megan Knuette, Cathy Osmers Rahill. The dual pandemic: COVID-19, systemic racism, and college student-athletic mental health. Journal of Sport and Social Issue. Journal of Sport & Social Issues 21. 1 (2022) : 156-173. Desjardins, Guillaume, G. A. Angulo Mendoza, Stéphanie Turgeon. Occasions et défis de l’utilisation de la microcertification numérique au 21e siècle : Présentation d’un modèle conceptuel pour les gestionnaires.. Ad Machina 5 (2022) : 161-184. Marleau, Jacques, Stéphanie Turgeon, Jessica Turgeon. La mesure du K6 dans les enquêtes populationnelles canadiennes : Recension des pratiques et analyse de la performance de certains coefficients de fidélité. Revue d'Épidémiologie et de Santé Publique 70. 1 (2022) : 17-24. Sabourin, Camille, Stéphanie Turgeon, Laura Martin, Scott Rathwell, Marc Bruner, John Cairney, Martin Camiré. Sport participation, extracurricular activity involvement, and psychological distress: A latent class analysis of canadian high school student-athletes. Journal of Clinical Sport Psychology 17. 3 (2022) : 327-345. Turgeon, Jessica, Stéphanie Turgeon, Jacques Marleau. Évaluation des propriétés psychométriques du K6 parmi les adolescents québécois. . Revue de Santé Mentale du Québec 47. 1 (2022) : 289-308. Turgeon, Stéphanie, Jessica Turgeon, Diane Morin. Coaching Special Olympics: A scoping review. International Journal of Sports Science & Coaching 18. 1 (2022) : 304-323. Turgeon, Stéphanie, Laura Martin, Scott Rathwell, Camiré Martin. The influence of gender on the relationship between the basic psychological needs and mental health in high school student-athletes.. International Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology. 17. 3 (2022) : 327-345. Camiré, Martin, Stéphanie Turgeon, Sara Kramers, Scott Rathwell, Corliss Bean, Camille Sabourin, Scott Pierce. Development and initial validation of the coaching life skills in sport questionnaire. . Psychology of Sport and Exercise. 54. 4 (2021) : 101845. Turgeon, Stéphanie, Marc J. Lanovaz. Perceptions of behavior analysis in France: accuracy and tone of posts in online forums on autism. Behavior and Social Issues 30 (2021) : 308-322. Turgeon, Stéphanie, Marc Lanovaz, Marie-Michèle Dufour. Effects of an interactive web training to support parents in the management of challenging behaviors. Behavior modification 45. 5 (2021) : 769-796. Camiré, Martin, Kelsey Kendellen, Scott Rathwell, Stéphanie Turgeon. Evaluating the coaching for life skills online training program: A randomised controlled trial. Psychology of Sport & Exercise 48. (2020) : 101649. Kramer, Sara, Stéphanie Turgeon, Corliss Bean, Camille Sabourin, Martin Camiré. Influence of coaching experience and coach training on coaches’ perceived life skills teaching. Psychology of Sport & Exercise 15. 4 (2020) : 576-853 . Lanovaz, Marc, Stéphanie Turgeon. How many tiers do we need? Type I errors and power in multiple baseline designs. . Perspectives on Behavior Science 43. (2020) : 605–616. Turgeon, Stéphanie, Marc Lanovaz. Tutorial: Applying machine learning in behavioral research. Perspectives on Behavior Science 43. 4 (2020) : 697–723. Turgeon, Stéphanie, Martin Camiré, Scott Rathwell. Follow-up evaluation of the Coaching for Life Skills online training program. International Journal of Sports Science & Coaching 16. 1 (2020) : 173-180. Turgeon, Stéphanie, Kelsey Kendellen, Sara Kramer, Scott Rathwell, Martin Camiré. Making high school sport impactful. Kinesiology Review 8. 3 (2019) : 188-194. Turgeon, Stéphanie, Martin Camiré, Scott Rathwell, Kelsey Kendellen. Coach–athlete relationships, basic psychological needs satisfaction and thwarting, and the teaching of life skills in Canadian high school sport.. Journal of Sports Science & Coaching. 14. 5 (2019) : 591-606. Lanovaz, Marc, Stéphanie Turgeon, Patrick Cardinal, Tania L Wheatley. Using single-case designs in practical settings: Is replication always necessary?. Perspectives on Behavior Science 42. (2018) : 153-162. COC (Contribution à un ouvrage collectif)Turgeon, Stéphanie, Claudine Jacques, Jessica Turgeon, Marie-Pier Cham. L’évaluation psychoéducative des enfants ayant un trouble du spectre de l’autisme au CISSS de l’Outaouais : Un processus clinique qui fait une différence. L’évaluation psychoéducative : une opération professionnelle aux multiples facettes. Psychoéducation : Fondements et pratiques, 2022. COF (Communication arbitrée)Fecteau, Stéphanie, Claude Normand, Stéphanie Turgeon, G. Normandeau, I. Cloutier, V. Desroches, L Guerrero, M.-H. Poulim. A cultural perspective in autism-related term preference: Intersectionality and the case of French-speaking Canadians.. International Society for Autism Research’s 2024 Annual Meeting. Melbourne, Australia., 2024. Lee, L., T. Newman, Stéphanie Turgeon, L. Shute, E. Blumenthal, M. Wondal, I. Stiehl Figueroa. Recentering positive youth development: Examining behavioral change through critical social justice lens . Society for Social Work and Research 27th Annual Conference. Washington, DC , 2024. Newman, T, R Bosetti, L Lee, Stéphanie Turgeon, L. Shute, V. Moyer, M. Knuttel, D. Renner, M. Florio. Resilience among college student-athletes: Achieving wellbeing during COVID19 . Society for Social Work and Research 27th Annual Conference. Washington, DC. , 2024. Newman, T., L. Lee, E. Blumenthal, C. Tarr, L. Santos, Stéphanie Turgeon. The duality of sport social workers: Coaching critical positive youth development. Society for Social Work and Research 27th Annual Conference. Washington, DC., 2024. Turgeon, Stéphanie, A. Mackenzie, S. C. Batcho. Making Physical Activity Fun: Results of a Gamification Intervention for Adults with an Intellectual Disability . Association for Applied Sport Psychology’s 38th Annual Conference. Orlando, Florida, USA. , 2024. Walsh, Z., D. Motz, Stéphanie Turgeon, Scott Rathwell. ‘If you’ve got a fire, you can rekindle it’: Learning how to reengage in sport following a lapse through a multiple-case study of Masters athletes . Canadian Society for Psychomotor Learning and Sport Psychology Conference. Kingston, ON, Canada, 2023. Turgeon, Stéphanie, Marc Lanovaz. L'analyse appliquée du comportement en autisme: Évaluation des effets, prédictions de l'efficacité et perceptions. . 44e congrès annuel de la Société Québécoise pour la Recherche en Psychologie (SQRP). Saint-Sauveur, Québec, 2022. Desjardins, Guillaume, Gustavo Angulo Mendoza , Stéphanie Turgeon. Le développement des compétences au 21e siècle : du spot-learning à la microcertification numérique.. Conference: 58e congrès annuel de l’Association canadienne des relations industrielles (ACRI): Le travail et l’emploi en temps de crise?: quels impacts, quelle gestion et quelles voies de sortie ?. (En ligne) Québec, Canada, 2021. Martin, Laura, Stéphanie Turgeon, Scott Rathwell, Martin Camiré. The influence of gender on the relationship between the basic psychological needs and mental health in high school student-athletes. Canadian Society for Psychomotor Learning and Sport Psychology. Virtuel, 2021, October 20. Sabourin, Camille, Martin Camiré, Stéphanie Turgeon, Scott Rathwell, Laura Martin, J Cairney, M Bruner. High school student-athletes’ sport participation and psychological distress: A latent class analysis. . Eastern Canada Sport & Exercise Psychology Symposium. Virtuel, 2021, March. Turgeon, Stéphanie, Tarkington J. Newman, Matt Moore, Corliss Bean, Levone Lee, Megan Knuttel, Cathy Osmers Rahill. The dual pandemic: COVID-19, systemic racism, and college student-athletic mental health. Canadian Society for Psychomotor Learning and Sport Psychology. Virtuel, 2021, October 20. |