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Professeur Paul R. Carr
Productions incluses dans la recherche : LIV, RAC, COC, CAC, RAP, RSC, COF, CNA, CRE, GRO, BRE, AUT,

LIV (Livre)

Carr, Paul R., Gina Thésée, Eloy Rivas-Sanchez. The Epicenter: Democracy, Eco*Global Citizenship and Transformative Education / L’épicentre : Démocratie, Éco*Citoyenneté mondiale et Éducation transformatoire / El Epicentro: Democracia, Eco*Ciudadanía Mundial y Educación Transformadora . New York : DIO Press, 2023. 620.

Grizzle, A., C. Wilson, C. K. Cheung, J. Lau, D. Gordon, K. Akyempong, J. Singh, Paul R. Carr, K. Stewart, S. Tayle, O. Suraj, M. Jaakkola, Gina Thésée, C. Gulston. Media and information literate citizens: think critically, click wisely!. Paris : UNESCO, 2021. 407.

Hoechsmann, Michael, Paul R. Carr, Gina Thésée. Education for Democracy 2.0: Changing Frames of Media Literacy . Rotterdam : Brill/Sense, 2021. 398.

Carr, Paul R., Gina Thésée. “It’s not education that scares me, it’s the educators…”: Is there still hope for democracy in education, and education for democracy?. Gorham, ME : Myers Education Press, 2019. 325.

Carr, Paul R., Michael Hoechsmann, Gina Thésée. Democracy 2.0: Media, Political Literacy and Critical Engagement . Rotterdam : Brill/Sense, 2018. 260.

Lea, Virginia, Darren Lund, Paul R. Carr. Critical Multicultural Perspectives on Whiteness: Views from the Past and Present. New York : Peter Lang, 2018. 376.

Carr, Paul R., P. L. Thomas, Brad Porfilio, Julie Gorlewski. Democracy and decency: What does education have to do with it? . Charlotte, NC : Information Age Publishing, 2016. 352.

Carr, Paul R., Brad Porfilio. The phenomenon of Obama and the agenda for education: Can hope (still) audaciously trump neoliberalism? . Critical Constructions: Studies on Education and Society. Charlotte, NC : Information Age Publishing, 2015. 424.

Lund, Darren E., Paul R. Carr. Revisiting The Great White North? Reframing Whiteness, Privilege and Identity in Education. Rotterdam : Sense Publishers, 2015. 342.

Thomas, P. L., Paul R. Carr, J Gorlewski, B Porfilio. Pedagogies of Kindness and Respect: On the Lives and Education of Children. New York : Peter Lang, 2015. 324.

Thomas, Paul T., Brad J. Porfilio, Julie Gorlewski, Paul R. Carr. Social Context Reform: A Pedagogy of Equity and Opportunity. New York : Routledge, 2014. 246.

Abdi, Ali A., Paul R. Carr. Educating for democratic consciousness: Counter-hegemonic possibilities. New York : Peter Lang, 2013. 292.

Carr, Paul R., Brad Porfilio. Educating for peace in a time of “permanent war”: Are schools part of the solution or the problem?. New York : Routledge, 2012. 319.

Carr, Paul R., David Zyngier, Marc Pruyn. Can teachers make a difference? Experimenting with, and experiencing, democracy in education. Charlotte, NC : Information Age Publishing, 2012. 280.

Carr, Paul R. Does your vote count? Democracy and critical pedagogy. New York : Peter Lang, 2011. 333.

Carr, Paul R., Brad Porfilio. The phenomenon of Obama and the agenda for education: Can hope audaciously trump neoliberalism?. Charlotte, NC : Information Age Publishing, 2011. 358.

Porfilio, Brad, Paul R. Carr. Youth Culture, Education and Resistance: Subverting the Commercial Ordering of Life. Rotterdam : Sense, 2010. 288.

Thésée, Gina, Nicole Carignan, Paul R. Carr. Les faces cachées de la recherche interculturelle : De la rencontre des porteurs de culture. Paris : L'Harmattan, 2010. 252.

Lund, Darren, Paul R. Carr. “Doing” democracy: Striving for political literacy and social justice. New York : Peter Lang, 2008. 398.

Carr, Paul R., Darren Lund. The Great White North? Exploring Whiteness, Privilege and Identity in Education. Rotterdam : Sense, 2007. 264.

RAC (Revue avec comité de lecture)

Jandric, P (et al)., Paul R. Carr. Teaching in the Age of Covid-19—The New Normal. Postdigital Science and Education 4. (2022) : 877-1015.

Carr, Paul R. A generation of fire-power: How should we commemorate 9/11?. SOJO Journal 8. 1 (2022) : 13-24.

Carr, Paul R. Algunos pensamientos sobre la tormenta que se avecina en las redes sociales, el medio ambiente y la necesidad de un diálogo transformador y democrático. Revista de Sociología 33. (2021) : 77-94.

Jandric, Petar, (et al.), Paul R. Carr. Teaching in the Age of Covid-19—1 Year Later. Postdigit Sci Educ. (2021) :

Carr, Paul R. Shooting yourself first in the foot, then in the head: Normative democracy is suffocating, and then the Coronavirus came to light. Postdigital Science and Education (2020) : 1-19.

Jandric, Petar, (et al.), Paul R. Carr. Teaching in the age of Covid-19. Postdigital Science and Education 2. (2020) : 1069-1230.

Carr, Paul R., Sandra Cuervo, Michelli Daros. Citizen engagement in the contemporary era of fake news: Hegemonic distraction or control of the social media context? . Postdigital Science and Education 1-22 (2019) :

Carr, Paul R., Nancy Molano, Eloy Rivas-Sanchez, Gina Thésée. Pedagogías contra el despojo: Principios de una eco/demopedagogía transformativa como vehículo para la justicia social y ambiental en América Latina. Revista Internacional de Educacion para la Justicia Social 7. 1 (2018) : 45-69.

Thésée, Gina, Paul R. Carr, Anne-Marie Duclos, Franck Potwora. Conjuguer Démocratie et Éducation : Perceptions et expériences de futurs-es enseignants-es du Québec. Citizenship Education Research Journal / Revue de recherche sur l’éducation à la citoyenneté 7. 1 (2018) : 61-80.

Thésée, Gina, Paul R. Carr. Les didactiques peuvent-elles être critiques? Apports des pédagogies et épistémologies sociocritiques à la recherche sur l’enseignement-apprentissage. Revista Trabalho (En)Cena 3. 1 (2018) : 148-163.

Carr, Paul R., Gina Thésée. Seeking Democracy Inside, and Outside, of Education: Re-conceptualizing Perceptions and Experiences Related to Democracy and Education. Democracy & Education, 25. 2 (2017) : 1-12.

Carr, Paul R. Whiteness and White Privilege: Problematizing Race and Racism in a “Color-blind” World, and in Education. International Journal of Critical Pedagogy 7. 1 (2016) : 51-73.

Carr, Paul R., Gary Pluim, Gina Thésée. The Dimensions of, and Connections Between, Multicultural Education and Education for Democracy: What are the Roles and Perspectives of Future Educators?. Citizenship Education Research Journal 6. 1 (2016) : 1-21.

Thésée, Gina, Paul R. Carr. Les mots pour le dire : l’acculturation ou la racialisation dans l’expérience scolaire de jeunes Afro-Canadiens de Montréal d’origine haïtienne?. Comparative and International Education / Éducation Comparée et Internationale 45. 1 (2016) : 1-17.

Carr, Paul R., Gary Pluim, Lauren Howard. Engagement with the mainstream media and the relationship to political literacy: The Influence of hegemonic education on democracy. Critical Education 6. 15 (2015) : 1-16.

Thésée, Gina, Paul R. Carr, Franck Potwora. Le rôle des enseignants dans l’éducation et la démocratie : Impacts d’un projet de recherche sur la perception de futurs enseignants. Revue de l’éducation de McGill 50. 2-3 (2015) : 363-388.

Thésée, Gina, Paul R. Carr. L’environnement et l’identité écologique dans le roman « Gouverneurs de la rosée » de Jacques Roumain : une proposition d’éducation critique pour le contexte socio-environnemental haïtien. Éducation relative à l’environnement : Regards – Recherches – Réflexions 12. 1 (2015) : 17-37.

Carr, Paul R., Gary Pluim, Gina Thésée. O contexto da vulnerabilidade ambiental enquanto um produto da colonização e da democracia liberal: o entendimento e a educação sobre o terremoto no Haiti . Em Aberto 27. 91 (2014) : 135-156.

Carr, Paul R., Gary Pluim, Lauren Howard. Linking Global Citizenship Education and Education for Democracy through Social Justice: What can we learn from the perspectives of teacher-education candidates?. Journal of Global Citizenship and Equity Education 4. 1 (2014) : 1-21.

Carr, Paul R., Gina Thésée. La (re)lecture des mots, du monde et des maux des jeunes noirs : apports de la pédagogie critique à la recherche en éducation en contextes de racialisation. Revue canadienne de l'éducation 37. 1 (2014) : 308-329.

Carr, Paul R. Thinking about the connection between democratizing education and educator experience: Can we teach what we preach?. Scholar-Practitioner Quarterly 6. 1 (2013) : 196-218.

Carr, Paul R., Brad Porfilio. The Architecture of war framing an anti-hegemonic peace education. Peace Studies Journal 6. 1 (2013) : 3-14.

Carr, Paul R., Dan Becker. The Language of Hegemonic Democracy, and the Prospects for an Education for Democracy. The Social Educator 31. 1 (2013) : 22-34.

Carr, Paul R., Gina Thésée. Lo intercultural, el ambiente y la democracia: Buscando la justicia social y la justicia ecológica. Visao Global 5. 1-2 (2012) : 75-90.

Thésée, Gina, Paul R. Carr. The 2011 International Year for People of African Descent (IYPAD): The Paradox of colonized invisibility within the promise of mainstream visibility. Journal of De-colonization, Indigeneity, Education and Society 1. 1 (2012) : 158-180.

Carr, Paul R. “¿Pero qué puedo hacer yo?” Quince propuestas auto/transformadoras para estudiantes de educación. Postconvencionales 3. 149-168 (2011) :

Carr, Paul R. Cuando “yo” se vuelve “nosotros”: Todavía buscando la verdad, la paz y la democracia. Postconvenciales 3. (2011) :

Carr, Paul R. En busca de la democracia… a través de la pedagogía critica. Postconvenciales 3. (2011) :

Carr, Paul R., Brad Porfilio. Re-evaluating hope and change alongside the potential for transformational change in education. Journal of Inquiry and Education in Education 4. 1 (2011) : 1-30.

Lund, Darren, Paul R. Carr. Exposing Privilege and Racism in The Great White North: Tackling Whiteness and identity Issues in Canadian education. Multicultural Perspectives 12. 4 (2011) : 229-234.

Porfilio, Brad, Paul R. Carr. Audaciously espousing hope within a torrent of hegemonic neoliberalism: The Obama educational agenda and the potential for change. Critical Education 2. 3 (2011) :

Porfilio, Brad, Paul R. Carr. Cultura Juvenil, medios de comunicación de masas y democracia. NetWARD IX. 8 (2011) : 38-45.

Carr, Paul R. Re-thinking normative democracy and the political economy of education. Journal of Critical Education Policy Studies 8. 1 (2010) :

Carr, Paul R. Educating for democracy: With or without social justice?. Teacher Education Quarterly Fall. (2009) : 117-136.

Carr, Paul R. Political conscientization and media (il)literacy: Critiquing the mainstream media as a form of democratic engagement. Multicultural Perspectives Fall. (2009) : 1-10.

Carr, Paul R. The epistemology of Whiteness in a sea of color: Confronting power and privilege in education. ENTRELUGARES 1. 2 (2009) : 10-18.

Carr, Paul R., Brad Porfilio. Computers, the media and multicultural education: Seeking engagement and political literacy . Journal of Intercultural Studies 20. 2 (2009) : 91-107.

Carr, Paul R., Brad Porfilio. The 2008 US presidential campaign, democracy and media literacy . International Journal of Critical Pedagogy 2. 1 (2009) : 119-138.

Carr, Paul R., Gina Thésée. It takes two to Tango: The identity of those doing research on identity. Notos 8. 2 (2009) : 22-34.

Carr, Paul R., Gina Thésée. Le Baobab en quête de ses racines : la Négritude d’Aimé Césaire ou l’éveil à un humanisme identitaire et écologique dans l’espace francophone. Éducation et francophonie XXXVII. 2 (2009) : 204-221.

Carr, Paul R. “But what can I do?” : Fifteen things education students can do to transform themselves in/through/with education. International Journal of Critical Pedagogy 1. 2 (2008) : 81-97.

Carr, Paul R. Educators and education for democracy: Moving beyond “thin” democracy. Inter-American Journal of Education and Democracy 1. 2 (2008) : 147-165.

Carr, Paul R. The “Equity Waltz” in Canada: Whiteness and the informal realities of racism in education. Journal of Contemporary Issues in Education 3. 2 (2008) : 4-23.

Carr, Paul R., Gina Thésée. Educational institutions negotiating democracy and social justice: The (im)balance of power and accountability. Journal of Canadian and International Education 36. 3 (2008) : 32-46.

Porfilio, Brad, Paul R. Carr. Youth culture, the mass media and democratic education. Academic Exchange Quarterly 12. 4 (2008) :

Potvin, Maryse, Paul R. Carr. La conceptualisation et la mise en œuvre de l’éducation antiraciste : Les cas de l’Ontario et du Québec. Éducation et francophonie XXXVII. 1 (2008) : 197-216.

Thésée, Gina, Paul R. Carr. L’interculturel en environnement : Où justice sociale devrait rimer avec justice environnementale. Éducation canadienne et internationale 37. 1 (2008) : 45-70.

Thésée, Gina, Paul R. Carr. Une proposition d’élargissement de la dimension critique en éducation relative à l’environnement : la résistance éco-épistémologique. Éducation relative à l’environnement : Regards – Recherches – Réflexions 7. (2008) : 65-90.

Carr, Paul R. Experiencing democracy through neo-liberalism: The role of social justice in education. Journal of Critical Education Policy Studies 5. 2 (2007) :

Carr, Paul R. Shock and awe and the environment. Peace Review 19. 3 (2007) : 335-343.

Carr, Paul R. Standards, accountability and democracy: Addressing inequities through a social justice accountability framework . Democracy and Education 17. 1 (2007) : 1-16.

Carr, Paul R. Democracy in the classroom?, . Academic Exchange Quarterly 10. 2 (2006) : 7-12.

Carr, Paul R. Social justice and Whiteness in education: Color-blind policymaking and racism. Journal for Critical Education Policy Studies 4. 2 (2006) :

Carr, Paul R., Gina Thésée. Race and identity in education in Quebec. DIRECTIONS: Research and Policy on Eliminating Racism 3. 1 (2006) : 18-23.

Carr, Paul R., Gina Thésée. Race et identité dans l’éducation au Québec (TRADUCTION). DIRECTIONS: Recherche et politiques sur l’élimination du racisme 3. 1 (2006) : 38-42.

Carr, Paul R. Transforming the institution, or institutionalizing the transformation? Racial diversity and anti-racism in education in Toronto. McGill Journal of Education 34. 1 (1999) : 49-77.

Carr, Paul R. Reflections on identity formation: Is it easier to embrace or reject Canadian citizenship?. Multiculturalism, 2. (1997) : 1-7.

Carr, Paul R., Thomas Klassen. Different perceptions of race in education: Racial minority and White teachers. Canadian Journal of Education 1 (1997) : 68-81.

Carr, Paul R., Thomas Klassen. Institutional barriers to the implementation of anti-racist education: A case study of the secondary system in a large, racially diverse, urban school board. Canadian Journal of Educational Administration and Foundations 12. 1 (1997) : 46-68.

Carr, Paul R., Thomas Klassen. The role of racial minority teachers in anti-racist education. Canadian Ethnic Studies 28. 2 (1996) : 126-138.

Carr, Paul R. Employment equity for racial minorities in the teaching profession. Multicultural Education Journal 13. 1 (1995) : 28-42.

Carr, Paul R. French-language university education: Competing perspectives in Ontario. Higher Education Group Annual (1992) : 112-138.

COC (Contribution à un ouvrage collectif)

Carr, Paul R. Don’t look anywhere! Learning without stock markets. . Resisting Neoliberal Schooling: Dismantling the Rubricization and Corporatization of Higher Education. New York : Peter Lang, 2023.

Carr, Paul R. Some thoughts on social media, the environment and the need for transformative dialogue. The Epicenter: Democracy, Eco*Global Citizenship and Transformative Education / L’épicentre : Démocratie, Éco*Citoyenneté mondiale et Éducation transformatoire / El Epicentro: Democracia, Eco*Ciudadanía Mundial y Educación Transformadora . New York : DIO Press, 2023. 149-166.

Parra Gomez, Sheila, Paul R. Carr. El movimiento de las personas con discapacidad en las redes sociales, una exploración en clave eco/demopedagógica. La innovación en el ámbito socioeducativo a través de las tecnologías y la atención a la diversidad . Dykinson, 2023. 484-499.

Rivas-Sanchez, Eloy, Gina Thésée, Paul R. Carr. The Epicenter. Democracy, *Eco-Global Citizenship and Transformative Education: Is there, can there be and should there be a meeting-point/place. The Epicenter: Democracy, Eco*Global Citizenship and Transformative Education / L’épicentre : Démocratie, Éco*Citoyenneté mondiale et Éducation transformatoire / El Epicentro: Democracia, Eco*Ciudadanía Mundial y Educación Transformadora . New York : DIO Press, 2023. 23-74.

Carr, Paul R. Insurrectional and Pandoran Democracy, Military Perversion and The Quest for Environmental Peace: The Last Frontiers of Ecopedagogy Before Us. Postdigital Ecopedagogies . Springer, 2022. 77-92.

Carr, Paul R. ¿Está la democracia en un estado pandémico? . El algoritmo de la incertidumbre. Barcelona : Editorial Gedisa, 2021.

Carr, Paul R. El paciente está de rodillas: ¿Está la democracia en un estado pandémico? . El algoritmo de la incertidumbre . Barcelona : Editorial Gedisa , 2021. 218-234.

Hoechsmann, Michael, Paul R. Carr, Gina Thésée. The Struggle Over Meaning in A World in Crisis. Education for Democracy 2.0: Changing Frames of Media Literacy (pp. 1-10). . Rotterdam : Brill/Sense Publishers, 2021. 1-10.

Carr, Paul R. DEMOCRACIA: Disparándose primero en el pie y luego en la cabeza: la democracia se está sofocando y morirá en poco tiempo si no se re-imagina por completo. CONCEPTOS PARA DISOLVER LA EDUCACIÓN CAPITALISTA . Barcelona : Terra Ignota Ediciones, 2020. 127-145.

Carr, Paul R., Gina Thésée. Paulo Freire, critical pedagogy and the quest for “Transformative and Emancipatory Education (TEE)”. The SAGE Handbook of Critical Pedagogies. London : SAGE, 2020. 67-74.

Carr, Paul R., Michelli Daros, Sandra Cuervo, Gina Thésée. Social media and the quest for democracy: Faking the re-awakening?. Handbook of Theory and Research in Cultural Studies and Education. New York : Springer, 2020. 1-24.

Carr, Paul R. Lo macro y lo micro con la “Democracia” al centro: Encuadrando una Educación para la Democracia, y una Democracia para la Educación. Lecturas sobre problemas de la democracia en México. Hermosillo, Mexico : El Colegio de Sonora, 2019. 153-184.

Carr, Paul R., Gina Thésée, Raúl Olmo Fregoso Bailón. La fragilidad de la democracia: ¿Existe algún lugar para la alfabetización democrática y el involucramiento en la educación? . Justicia e Educacion: Saberes y prácticas inclusivas en América y Europa . Lima, Perú : Centro des Estudios Constitucionales, Tribunal Constitucional del Perú, 2019. 69-104.

Hoechsmann, Michael, Paul R. Carr, Gina Thésée. Viejos, nuevos medios y Democracia 2.0. La posverdad: Una cartografía de los medios, las redes y la política. Madrid : Editorial Gedisa, 2019. 45-64.

Carr, Paul R., Eloy Rivas-Sanchez. Blanquitud y racismo en la educación: Algunas ideas para ayudar a construir escuelas para sociedades más democráticas. Justicia e Interculturalidad: Análisis y pensamiento plural en América y Europa . Lima, Peru : Centro des Estudios Constitucionales, Tribunal Constitucional del Perú, 2018. 143-167.

Carr, Paul R., Gina Thésée. Democracy, Political Literacy and Transformative Education: What issues and trends have emerged over the past ten years of this research project?. , By the People: Participatory Democracy, Civic Engagement and Citizenship Education . Tempe, Arizona : Participatory Governance Initiative, Arizona State University, 2018. 250-264.

Hoechsmann, Michael, Paul R. Carr, Gina Thésée. Democracy 2.0, old and new media, and the quest for engaged participation. Democracy 2.0: Media, Political Literacy and Critical Engagement. Rotterdam : Brill/Sense, 2018. xv-xxvii.

Lea, Virginia, Darren Lund, Paul R. Carr. Introduction: Critical multicultural perspectives on Whiteness. Critical Multicultural Perspectives on Whiteness: Views from the Past and Present. New York : Peter Lang, 2018. 1-12.

Thésée, Gina, Paul R. Carr, Carlo Prévil. Les enjeux du Vert en Noir et Blanc : racisme environnemental et antiracisme critique en contextes de racialisation. Repères contemporaines en éducation et formation relatives à l’environnement et à l’écocitoyenneté. Montréal : Presses de l'Université de Québec, 2017. 47-64.

Carr, Paul R. Problematizing Race and Racism in a “Color-blind” World and in Education. (Trans-)National Racism: Interdependence of racist phenomena and resistance forms. Hildesheim, Germany : 2016. 871-889.

Carr, Paul R. To Right the Blight Without White Is Not Too Bright: Still Seeking to Understand the Role of White People in a Racialized World . Unhooking from Whiteness: Resisting the Espirit de Corps. Rotterdam : Sense, 2016. 139-145.

Carr, Paul R. Where There is Democracy, Should There Be Decency? Framing the Context, Notion and Potential for a More “Decent” Democracy. Democracy and decency: What does education have to do with it? . Charlotte, NC : Information Age Publishing, 2016. xiii-xxxii.

Carr, Paul R., Gina Thésée. Interracial Conscientization Through Epistemological Re-construction: Developing Autobiographical Accounts of the Meaning of Being Black and White Together. Critically Researching Youth. New York : Peter Lang , 2016. 267-283.

Thésée, Gina, Paul R. Carr. Triple whammy, and a fragile minority within a fragile majority: School, family and society, and the education of Black, francophone youth in Montreal. The Education of African Canadian Children: Critical Perspectives. Montreal & Kingston : McGill-Queen's University Press, 2016.

Carr, Paul R. Pygmalion President, Military Commander-in-Chief, Cheer Leader for Wall Street, and Head of the Empire: Obama, Hegemony and the Promise for Hope and Change. Race, Power, and the Obama Legacy: A critical pedagogical analysis.. Rotterdam : Sense, 2015. 137-162.

Carr, Paul R., Brad Porfilio. Audaciously Espousing Hope (well into a second mandate) Within a Torrent of Hegemonic Neoliberalism: The Obama Educational Agenda and the Potential for Change. The phenomenon of Obama and the agenda for education: Can hope (still) audaciously trump neoliberalism? . Charlotte, NC : Information Age Publishing, 2015. xxix-li.

Carr, Paul R., Gary Pluim. Education for democracy, and the specter of neoliberalism jamming the classroom. School Against Neoliberal Rule: Educational Fronts for Local and Global Justice: A Reader. Charlotte, NC : Information Age Publishing, 2015. 289-309.

Thomas, Paul L., Paul R. Carr, Julie Gorlewski, Brad Porflio. “God damn it, you’ve got to be kind”. Pedagogies of Kindness and Respect: On the Lives and Education of Children.. New York : Peter Lang, 2015. 1-7.

Carr, Paul R. Introduction: Social Context Reform: A Pedagogy of Equity and Opportunity. Social Context Reform: A Pedagogy of Equity and Opportunity . New York : Routledge, 2014. 1-14.

Carr, Paul R. The Whiteness of Educational Policymaking. Revisiting The Great White North? Reframing Whiteness, Privilege and Identity in Education. Rotterdam : Sense Publishers, 2014. 269-279.

Carr, Paul R., Darren E. Lund. Reframing Whiteness. Revisiting The Great White North? Reframing Whiteness, Privilege and Identity in Education. Rotterdam : Sense Publishers, 2014. 1-10.

Carr, Paul R. Reshaping the democratic truth, and rethinking democracy without elections. Educating for democratic consciousness: Counter-hegemonic possibilities. New York : Peter Lang, 2013.

Carr, Paul R., Ali Abdi. Introduction: Framing contemporary democracy and the potential for counter-hegemonic possibilities. Educating for democratic consciousness: Counter-hegemonic possibilities. New York : Peter Lang, 2013. 1-13.

Carr, Paul R. Democracy, critical pedagogy and the education of educators. Can teachers make a difference? Experimenting with, and experiencing, democracy in education. Charlotte, NC : Information Age Publishing, 2012. 23-56.

Carr, Paul R. Is there a difference between Québec’s interculturalism and Canada’s multiculturalism?: The debate over language, culture, race and power. Precarious international multicultural education: Hegemony, dissent and rising alternatives . Rotterdam : Sense, 2012. 277-296.

Carr, Paul R. Macro-economics and local democracy: Linking how we act abroad with how we spend at home. Re-framing Financial Literacy: Exploring the Value of Social Currency. Charlotte, NC : Information Age Publishing, 2012.

Carr, Paul R., Brad Porfilio. Framing peace and war within the educational project: Willful (dis)engagement and meaning (and cost) of conflict. Educating for peace in a time of “permanent war”: Are schools part of the solution or the problem? . New York : Routledge, 2012. 1-37.

Lund, Darren, Paul R. Carr. Disrupting White privilege in teacher education. Overcoming social justice bottlenecks: Strategies for teaching critical and difficult concepts in teacher education. Stylus, 2012.

Zyngier, David, Paul R. Carr. Introducing the Global Doing Democracy Research Project. Can teachers make a difference? Experimenting with, and experiencing, democracy in education . Charlotte, NC : Information Age Publishing, 2012. 1-22.

Carr, Paul R. The critical pedagogy of democracy. Critical Pedagogy in the 21st Century: A New Generation of Scholars. Charlotte, NC : Information Age Publishing, 2011.

Carr, Paul R. Transforming educational leadership without social justice? Looking at critical pedagogy as more than a critique, and a way toward "democracy". Transformative leadership: A Reader. New York : Peter Lang, 2011. 37-52.

Carr, Paul R., Brad Porfilio. Audaciously espousing hope within a torrent of hegemonic neoliberalism: The Obama educational agenda and the potential for change. The phenomenon of Obama and the agenda for education: Can hope audaciously trump neoliberalism?. Charlotte, NC : Information Age Publishing, 2011.

Carr, Paul R., Gina Thésée. Discursive epistemologies by, for and about the decolonizing project. Decolonizing philosophies of education . Rotterdam : Sense, 2011. 15-28.

Carr, Paul R. L’interculturel et la race blanche : La face cachée des relations de pouvoir inéquitable. Les faces cachées de la recherche interculturelle. Paris : L'Harmattan, 2010.

Carr, Paul R., Gina Thésée. Challenging political (il)literacy within neoliberal education. Youth Culture, Education and Resistance: Subverting the Commercial Ordering of Life. Rotterdam : Sense, 2010. 233-255.

Porfilio, Brad, Paul R. Carr. The Neoliberal social order, youth and resistance. Youth Culture, Education and Resistance: Subverting the Commercial Ordering of Life . Rotterdam : Sense, 2010. 1-19.

Carr, Paul R., Darren Lund. The unspoken color of diversity: White privilege and critical engagement in education. Diversity: A Reader . New York : Peter Lang, 2009. 45-55.

Carr, Paul R., Gina Thésée. The critical pedagogy of understanding how educators relate to democracy”. Learning Democracy by Doing: Alternative Practices in Citizenship Learning and Participatory Democracy . Toronto : University of Toronto, 2009. 274-283.

Thésée, Gina, Paul R. Carr. Au-delà des conflits entre religion et science : y a-t-il une place pour une épistémologique éthique en éducation? . Science et religion en éducation : Comment répondre aux questions des enfants. Presses de l'Université du Québc : Montréal, 2009. 189-212.

Carr, Paul R., Darren Lund. Antiracist education. SAGE Encyclopedia of Cultural and Social Foundations of Education. Thousand Oaks, CA : SAGE Publications, 2008. 48-52.

Carr, Paul R., Gina Thésée. The Quest for political (il)literacy: Responding to, and attempting to counter, the neoliberal agenda. An International Examination of Urban Education: The Destructive Path of Neoliberalism. Rotterdam : Sense, 2008. 173-194.

Lund, Darren, Paul R. Carr. Introduction: Scanning democracy. Doing democracy: Striving for political literacy and social justice . New York : Peter Lang, 2008. 1-29.

Carr, Paul R. Educational policy and the social justice dilemma. Controversial Issues in Education . London : Trentham, 2007. 1-10.

Carr, Paul R. The Whiteness of Educational Policymaking. The Great White North? Exploring Whiteness, privilege and identity in education. Rotterdam : Sense, 2007.

Carr, Paul R., Darren Lund. Introduction to the Great White North. The Great White North? Exploring Whiteness, privilege and identity in education. Rotterdam : Sense, 2007.

Thésée, Gina, Paul R. Carr. Les mesures d'équité et les discontinuités culturelles . Équité en éducation . Montréal : Éditions nouvelles, 2007.

Carr, Paul R. In Exile: A literary critic of the notion of being exiled. Ruptures, Continuities and re-learning: The Political Participation of Latin Americans in Canada . Toronto : Transformative Learning Centre, 2006. 211-215.

RAP (Rapport de recherche)

Thésée, Gina, Paul R. Carr. 2022. Projet d’intervention sociale Option Protection :Volet de Recherche-action « Le rôle de vigie des intervenant.e.s OP auprès de familles vulnérabilisées dans un écosystème en pièces détachées », Montréal :


RSC (Revue sans comité de lecture)

Carr, Paul R. La humildad de Paulo Freire. Revista Innovamos Sept/Oct. 12 (2021) :

Carr, Paul R. Reimagining education systems to reduce social inequalities: Is the Coronavirus an inflexion-point for global citizenship education? . Sangsaeng 55. (2021) : 12-15.

Carr, Paul R. Trump-fuelled chaos shows democracy is in trouble — here's a proposal to fix it. The Conversation (2021) :

Carr, Paul R. Dialoguing on anti-racism: Where do we start?. Medium July 20. (2020) :

Carr, Paul R. If Everything Has Changed, Why Such a Focus on Baling Out Capitalism? The Somber Reality Underpinning COVID-19. Postdigital Science and Education (2020) :

Carr, Paul R. Returning to ‘normal’ post-coronavirus would be inhumane. The Conversation May 13. (2020) :

Carr, Paul R. Surviving the coronavirus requires escaping the status quo – together. The Conversation June 14. (2020) :

Carr, Paul R. The Nobel Peace Prize for the International Cuban medical brigade?. Medium June 26. (2020) :

Thésée, Gina, Paul R. Carr. L’iceberg du racisme ou les profondeurs abyssales de la suffocation. La Conversation 13 juillet. (2020) :

Carr, Paul R., Gina Thésée. Introduction au numéro thématique intitulé « Démocratie, alphabétisation politique et éducation transformatoire : points de rencontres d'acteurs socioéducatifs et de perspectives critiques ». Citizenship Education Research Journal / Revue de recherche sur l’éducation à la citoyenneté 7. 1 (2018) : 1-8.

Carr, Paul R. Political (Il)literacy and Living in a Society: Is there room for a Critically-Engaged Education for Democracy? or “I used to read poetry… before I became radicalized”. Conference Proceedings: Discomfort Zones: Negotiating Tensions and Cultivating Belonging in Diverse College Classrooms in Quebec (2017) : 24-31.

Carr, Paul R. Critical Studies in Whiteness and Racialization: Seeking Social Justice in and through Education. EWS Statement Series, The European Wergeland Centre March. (2014) :

Carr, Paul R. Democratic Education in an Intercultural World: The Intersection Between Identity and Power. Conference Proceedings of the Tenth Annual Conference of the Association de recherche interculturelle (2009) : 16.

Carr, Paul R. Stuck in the Middle?: A Case Study of How Principals Manage Equity-related Change in Education. Education Canada, 35. 1 (1997) : 42-49.

Carr, Paul R. The Silent Emergency: A Development Education Curriculum Resource for Secondary School Educators. UNICEF Canada (1993) :

COF (Communication arbitrée)

Carr, Paul R., Michael Hoechsmann, Gina Thésée. Studying Social Media and Citizen Participation: Re-imagining Democracy and Transformative Education. American Educational Research Association . San Francisco, 2020. Acceptée

Carr, Paul R. Conjuguer dialogue contre-hégémonique et démocratie délibérative : quelles perspectives éducatives issues des médias sociaux ?. ACFAS. Gatineau, 2019.

Carr, Paul R. Developing a model for community engagement related to GC+GCED. Global Citizenship Education conference. Séoul, 2018.

Carr, Paul R. La educación para la democracia et la educación a la ciudanía mundial. International Institute for Critical Pedagogyand Transformative Leadership annual conference, . Bilbao, 2018.

Carr, Paul R. The fragility of democracy, social media and gender equity: Is there a place for critical media and democratic literacy in the equation? . Women’s Voices conference. Ottawa, 2018.

Carr, Paul R. Engaging inside and outside of human contact, and the question of democracy and education. Colloque : (Dis)Comfort Zones: Negotiating Tensions and Cultivating Belonging in Diverse College Classrooms in Quebec. Collège Vanier, Montréal, 2017.

Carr, Paul R. La democracia y la educación para la democracia. Centro de Investigación para la Educación Inclusiva, Universidad Católica de Valparaíso. Centro de Investigación para la Educación Inclusiva, Universidad Católica de Valparaíso, 2017.

Carr, Paul R. Las redes sociales y el involucramiento ciudadano: ?Y la espacio por la democracia?. Centro de Investigación para la Educación Inclusiva, Universidad Católica de Valparaíso. Centro de Investigación para la Educación Inclusiva, Universidad Católica de Valparaíso, 2017.

Carr, Paul R. Social media and social justice: Is there room for citizen engagement and democracy?. International Association of Methodist-related Schools, Colleges, and Universities. Puebla, Mexico, 2017.

Carr, Paul R., Gina Thésée. Connecting Democracy, the Environment and Education in Haiti Since the Earthquake. American Education Research Association conference. San Antonio, 2017.

Carr, Paul R., Gina Thésée. Tearing down walls: Democracy and peace. International Association of Methodist-related Schools, Colleges, and Universities. Puebla, Mexico, 2017.

Thésée, Gina, Paul R. Carr. Environnement colonial et colonialisme environnemental : enjeux épistémologiques dans la recherche en ERE francophone. Centr’ERE : Trajectoires, tendances et tensions : Regards sur la recherche contemporaine en éducation relative à l’environnement au sein de la Francophonie. Montréal, 2017.

Carr, Paul R. Critical Media Literacy, Democracy and the Importance of Teachers and Education. Canadian Society for Studies in Education. Calgary, 2016.

Carr, Paul R. Educación, democracia y justicia social. Universidad Pedagogica Nacional Unidad Guadalajara. Guadalajara, 2016.

Carr, Paul R. El Macro y el Micro con la Democracia al centro: Encuadrando una Educación por la Democracia, y una Democracia por la Educación. Seminario Internacional: “La democracia en México: Una perspectiva desde las regiones”. Hermosillo, Mexico, 2016.

Carr, Paul R. Haiti Since the Earthquake: Perspectives on Democracy, the Environment, and Education. Canadian Society for Studies in Education. Calgary, 2016.

Carr, Paul R. La búsqueda de la democracia en todos los lugares equivocados: Reimaginando la educación y la democracia en conjunto. Congreso Internacional de Psicopedagogia en Jalisco. Guadalajara, 2016.

Carr, Paul R. La democracia, la alfabetización política y la educación transformativa: ¿Para quién, cómo y por qué? Una lectura para México. Seminario Internacional: “La democracia en México: Una perspectiva desde las regiones”. Hermosillo, Mexico, 2016.

Carr, Paul R. La question qui tue : la démocratie est-elle possible sans l’éducation ? Quelques idées sur le projet le recherche « Démocratie, alphabétisation politique et éducation transformatoire »,. ACFAS. Montréal, 2016.

Carr, Paul R. Las sociedades racializadas y la blanquitud. Congreso Internacional de Psicopedagogia en Jalisco. Guadalajara, 2016.

Carr, Paul R. Media, alfabetización de media y la conexión a la democracia. Congreso Internacional de Psicopedagogia en Jalisco. Guadalajara, 2016.

Carr, Paul R. Multicultural Education and Education for Democracy: Comparative Perspectives. Canadian Society for Studies in Education. Calgary, 2016.

Carr, Paul R. Radicalizing engagement, and engaging radicalization: Could the intersection be a critically-engaged education for democracy?, . 2nd International Symposium on Teaching about Extremism, Terror and Trauma: Radicalization – What does it mean? What can educators do about it? . Concordia University, Montreal, 2016.

Carr, Paul R., Gina Thésée. Rencontre de l’épistémologie critique et du politique : quels savoirs pour la formation à l’éducation et la démocratie ? . Colloque éducation et démocratie : les liens et lieux de la formation à la participation citoyenne. Université d'Ottawa, 2016.

Thésée, Gina, Paul R. Carr. Écocitoyenneté et/ou citoyenneté mondiale : points de rencontre de deux exigences éducatives dans une éducation pour la démocratie et en situations de vulnérabilités multiples. ACFAS. Montréal, 2016.

Carr, Paul R. La démocratie et d’autres fantasies : Le pluralisme culturel, l’alphabétisation politique et l’éducation transformatoire. Unité de recherche multiplicités et expérimentations transdisciplinaires. Ottawa, 2015.

Carr, Paul R. The Global Doing Democracy Research Project: What Have We Learned about Educators' Understanding of and Beliefs about Democracy?. "By the People" Participatory democracy, civic engagement and citizenship education conference. Tempe, AZ, 2015.

Carr, Paul R., Gina Thésée. Connecting the mainstream media and political literacy and seeking to understand the influence of hegemonic education on democracy. Amercian Education Research Association. Chicago, 2015.

Carr, Paul R., Gina Thésée. La notion de ‘race’ en recherche. Centre de recherche en éducation et formation relatives à l'environnement et à l'écocitoyenneté - Centr'ERE. Montréal, 2015.

Carr, Paul R., Gina Thésée. La recherche en education relative à l’environnement : Le projet de la démocratie, l’alphabétisation politique et l’éducation transformatoire. Centre de recherche en éducation et formation relatives à l'environnement et à l'écocitoyenneté - Centr'ERE,. Montréal, 2015.

Carr, Paul R., Gina Thésée. Quelle(s) École(s) pour quel(s) enfant(s), pour quelle(s) société(s)? . 3e Avenue & Parents en action pour l’éducation : Conversations publisques. Montréal, 2015.

Thésée, Gina, Paul R. Carr. La recherche en education relative à l’environnement : Le projet de la démocratie, l’alphabétisation politique et l’éducation transformatoire. Centre de recherche en éducation et formation relatives à l'environnement et à l'écocitoyenneté - Centr'ERE. Montréal, 2015.

Thésée, Gina, Paul R. Carr. Les enjeux d'une planète verte et de la couleur de la peau : la justice environnementale et raciale au croisement de l'environnement, l'écocitoyenneté, la démocratie et l'éducation transformatoire. World Environmental Education Congress. Gothenburg, 2015.

Carr, Paul R. Framing comparative education within an education for democracy project. Comparative and International Education Society. Toronto, 2014.

Carr, Paul R. Rethinking educator experiences and perceptions related to democracy. American Educational Research Association. Philadelphia, 2014.

Carr, Paul R. Whiteness, Privilege and Identity in Teacher Education. Keynote address at the launching of the Center for Inclusion in Education: Diversity and Democracy in Immigrant Societies. Migration and Education: Theory and Practice of Intercultural Teacher Education and School Development. Hildesheim, Allemagne, 2014.

Carr, Paul R., Dan Becker, Gina Thésée. Pre-service teacher perceptions of democracy and education, and the connection to social justice. American Educational Research Association. Philadelphia, 2014.

Carr, Paul R., Gina Thésée. A conceptual dialog between freedom, education and democracy : Freire’s pedagogy of freedom and a research project on education for democracy. American Educational Research Association. Philadelphia, 2014.

Carr, Paul R., Gina Thésée. Democracy, social justice and education. World Congress of Sociology. Yokohama, 2014.

Carr, Paul R., Gina Thésée. Education for democracy within a comparative context : re-thinking political literacy and transformative education. CSSE. St. Catherines, Ontario, 2014.

Carr, Paul R., Gina Thésée. Le pluralisme culturel: Quelles identités? Quels modèles? Pour quelles sociétés?. ACFAS. Montréal, 2014.

Thésée, Gina, Paul R. Carr. L’Afrique post-2015: Éducation pour tous et Objectifs du millénaire pour le développement en tension avec Éducation relative à l’environnement et Éducation pour la démocratie. ACFAS. Montréal, 2014.

Thésée, Gina, Paul R. Carr. Robert Bullard ou… l’enjeu du vert en Noir et Blanc. Espaces contemporains de recherché en éducation relative à l’environnement et à l’écocitoyenne, Centre de recherche en éducation et formation relatives à l'environnement et à l'écocitoyenneté - Centr'ERE. Montréal, 2015.

Carr, Paul R. Can we teach what we preach? Examining Teachers and their Experiences with Democracy. Association for Moral Education. Montréal, 2013.

Carr, Paul R. Embracing the Light of Democracy Through Political Literacy and Social Justice in Multicultural Education. National Association of Multicultural Education. Oakland, 2013.

Carr, Paul R. Re-thinking democracy among educators, and the connection to their role in education. World Congress on Comparative Education. Buenos Aires, 2013.

Carr, Paul R. Re-thinking the meaning of democracy and political literacy for future teachers. American Educational Studies Association. Baltimore, 2013.

Thésée, Gina, Paul R. Carr. En quête d’une éducation transformatoire et émancipatoire par l’éducation relative à l’environnement et l’éducation pour la démocratie : un croisement de repères théoriques critiques. Congrès du Centre de l’éducation relative à l’environnement. Montréal, 2013.

Thésée, Gina, Paul R. Carr. Not well known and misunderstood: Paulo Freire and pedagogy of the oppressed in francophone education. American Educational Research Association . San Francisco, 2013.

Carr, Paul R. Can we democratize democratic education and still be friends? Re-imaging critical pedagogy and democracy. Canadian Association for Foundations of Education . Waterloo, Ontario, 2012.

Carr, Paul R. Educators, democracy, and the potential for democratic education. Comparative International Education Society. San Juan, Puerto Rico, 2012.

Carr, Paul R. In a time of permanent war: Can education generate a culture of peace?. American Educational Research Association . Vancouver, 2012.

Carr, Paul R. Re-thinking how we think about democracy in education. Canadian International Comparative Education Society. Waterloo, Ontario, 2012.

Thésée, Gina, Paul R. Carr. Comme marteau et enclume, entre les identités ethno-raciales et l’identité écologique : contributions de la pédagogie critique à la réflexion sur le sens de l’environnement en contextes de néo-colonisation et de racialisation. ACFAS. Montréal, 2012.

Thésée, Gina, Paul R. Carr. La lecture des mots, du monde et des maux des jeunes Noir(e)s: apports de la pédagogie critique aux méthodologies de la recherche en éducation en contextes de racialisation. ACFAS. Montréal, 2012.

Thésée, Gina, Paul R. Carr. The 2011 International year of persons of African origin, and why the world doesn’t care. American Educational Research Association . Vancouver, 2012.

Carr, Paul R. Macro-Economics and Local Democracy: Linking How We Act Abroad with How We Spend at Home. Canadian Society for Studies in Education conference (CSSE). Fredericton, 2011.

Carr, Paul R. The Critical pedagogy of democracy. American Educational Research Association (AERA). New Orleans, 2011.

Carr, Paul R., David Zyngier. Comparing democracy in education within a context of neoliberalism in diverse sites. Comparative and International Education Society conference. Montréal, 2011.

Carr, Paul R., Gina Thésée. Africa's desires or the Africa desired? The 2011 International Year of Persons of African Origin and emerging socioeducational perspectives. American Educational Research Association (AERA). New Orleans, 2011.

Zyngier, David, Paul R. Carr. Deepening Democracy in Education: The Global Doing Democracy Research Project. Hawaii International Conference on Education. Honolulu, 2011.

Carr, Paul R. La democracia y la pedagogía critica en educación. Congreso International Profundizando la Democracia como Forma de Vida. Rosario, 2010.

Carr, Paul R. La pédagogie critique de la démocratie et la l’éducation a la citoyenneté. Association francophone pour le savoir (ACFAS). Montréal, 2010.

Carr, Paul R., Brad Porfilio. Promoting critical media literacy in schools of education through the US 2008 Presidential election. American Education Research Association (AERA). Denver, 2010.

Carr, Paul R., Gina Thésée. Democracy and the education of future educators. Comparative and International Education Society of Canada. Montréal, 2010.

Lund, Darren E., Paul R. Carr. Educating for democracy through political literacy and social justice. American Educational Research Association (AERA). Denver, 2010.

Lund, Darren E., Paul R. Carr. Resistance to naming Whiteness, privilege and identity in education. American Educational Research Association (AERA). Denver, 2010.

Carr, Paul R. Bombing the environment: Confronting ecological indifference. World Environmental Education Congress. Montréal, 2009.

Carr, Paul R. Is there a difference between Quebec’s interculturalism and Canada’s multiculturalism?: The debate over language, culture, race and power. International Symposium on Multicultural Education. Vancouver, 2009.

Carr, Paul R. La démocratie du racisme en noir et blanc : Une remise en question de la normativité de la race blanche. Association pour la recherche interculturelle (ARIC). Florianopolis, 2009.

Carr, Paul R. Political conscientization and media (il)literacy: Critiquing the mainstream media as a form of democratic engagement. Canadian Society for Studies in Education conference (CSSE). Ottawa, 2009.

Carr, Paul R. The Great White North? Exploring Whiteness, privilege and identity in education. Canadian Society for the Study of Education (CSSE) . Vancouver, 2009.

Carr, Paul R. The mainstream media and democratic education: Two ships passing in the night? . American Educational Research Association (AERA). San Diego, 2009.

Carr, Paul R., David Zyngier. The online global doing democracy research project. American Educational Studies Association conference (AESA). Pittsburg, 2009.

Carr, Paul R., Gina Thésée. Le tango épistémologique : Deux voix différentes dialoguent sur la décolonisation du savoir/pouvoir. Association pour la recherche interculturelle (ARIC). Florianopolis, 2009.

Lund, Darren E., Paul R. Carr. Doing democracy: Collectively striving for political literacy and social justice. Canadian Society for the Study of Education (CSSE) . Ottawa, 2009.

Carr, Paul R. La place de la race et la démocratie dans les relations interculturelles. Association pour la recherche interculturelle (ARIC). Messine, 2008.

Carr, Paul R. Multicultural education, social justice and democracy in education. National Association of Multicultural Education (NAME) . New Orleans, 2008.

Carr, Paul R., Darren E. Lund. Presenting the Great White North Project. Canadian Society for Studies in Education conference (CSSE). Vancouver, 2008.

Carr, Paul R., Gina Thésée. The critical pedagogy of understanding how educators relate to democrac. Learning Democracy by Doing: Alternative Practices in Citizenship Learning and Participatory Democracy conference . Toronto, 2008.

Lund, Darren E., Paul R. Carr. Exposing Whiteness in the Great White North: Revealing Racialized Privilege in Canada. Canadian Race Relations Foundation (CRRF) conference. Calgary, 2008.

Carr, Paul R. La race blanche et l’interculturel : Le privilège de s’identifier. Association pour la recherche interculturelle (ARIC). Timisoara, 2007.

Carr, Paul R., Darren E. Lund. Deconstructing Whiteness, privilege, and identity in multicultural education in Canada and the USA. National Association of Multicultural Education (NAME) . Baltimore, 2007.

Carr, Paul R., Darren E. Lund. Exposing the Great White North: Whiteness, privilege and identity in education in Canada. Canadian Society for Studies in Education conference (CSSE). Saskatoon, 2007.

Carr, Paul R., Darren E. Lund. The Great White North? project: Exploring Whiteness, privilege and identity in education. White Privilege conference. Colorado Springs, 2007.

Carr, Paul R., Gina Thésée. Can Education Be Meaningful? Answering a Fundamental Question Posed by Education Students. American Education Research Association (AERA). New York, 2007.

Carr, Paul R., Gina Thésée. Doing democracy in education: Conceptualizing a social justice role for educators. American Educational Research Association (AERA). Chicago, 2007.

Thésée, Gina, Paul R. Carr. Developing a critical socio-epistemological approach to environmental education: Contextualizing social justice in the era of sustainable development. Canadian Society for Studies in Education conference (CSSE). Saskatoon, 2007.

Carr, Paul R. Connecting social justice to citizenship: Can we have one without the other? . Société canadienne des études en éducation . Toronto, 2006.

Carr, Paul R. Des minorités dans la minorité : La question de l’intégration des immigrants des minorités raciales francophones dans la communauté franco-ontarienne. ACFAS. Montréal, 2006.

Carr, Paul R. Educational institutions negotiating democracy, social justice and citizenship. Association for Moral Education . Cambridge, MA., 2015.

Carr, Paul R. L’identité, les relations interculturelles et la justice sociale : Le rôle du pouvoir. ACFAS. Montréal, 2006.

Carr, Paul R. Le métissage politique et la construction sociopolitique de l’identité. ACFAS. Montréal, 2006.

Carr, Paul R. Talking about democracy and education: Perceptions, experiences and perspectives. Civic Education: Research and Practice . Orlando, 2006.

Carr, Paul R. The equity waltz in Canada: Examining the connection between the formal and informal realities of racism. Metropolis Conference entitled Paths and Crossways: Moving People, Changing Places. Lisbonne, 2006.

Carr, Paul R., Gina Thésée. Re-thinking how we consider identity in research related to identity. Promoting and Achieving Intercultural Learning In North American Urban Classrooms. Buffalo, 2006.

Thésée, Gina, Paul R. Carr. Une approche éducative socio-épistémologique vers l’interculturel en environnement: Quand savoir et pouvoir rimeront-ils avec inclusion et justice sociale? . Association pour la recherche interculturelle. Florianapolis, 2006.

Carr, Paul R. L’éducation démocratique dans un monde interculturel: où l’identité et le pouvoir se rencontrent. Association de recherche interculturelle . Alger, 2005.

Carr, Paul R., Gina Thésée. Le partage de savoirs à propos de cultures linguistiques, raciales, institutionnelles et disciplinaires: à quelles fin et comment ? . Association de recherche interculturelle. Alger, 2005.

Carr, Paul R. The Development and implementation of character and citizenship education. Association for Moral Education . Dana Point, CA., 2004.

Carr, Paul R. La transformation institutionnel ou l’institutionalisation de la transformation? Le variable racial en éducation. ACFAS. Montréal, 2000.

Carr, Paul R. Comparative perspectives on Cuban education: Revolutions within the revolution.. Comparative and International Education Studies . Toronto, 1999.

Carr, Paul R. Anti-racist education and institutional change in education: The case of the Toronto board of education. International Qualitative Research conference. Toronto, 1997.

Carr, Paul R. Implementing anti-racist education in Toronto: Barriers and opportunities. American Sociological Association . Toronto, 1997.

Carr, Paul R. Teachers and race: Different vantage-points for Whites and racial minorities. Bringing it Home: Anti-Racist Scholarship and Community Action Conference . Toronto, 1997.

Carr, Paul R. Implementing anti-racist education: The problematic of changing the institutional culture of educational organizations. Association canadienne de sociologie et d’anthropologie. St. Catherines, 1996.

CNA (Communication non arbitrée)

Carr, Paul R. La démocratie et d’autres fantasies : Le pluralisme culturel, l’alphabétisation politique et l’éducation transformatoire. Unité de recherche multiplicités et expérimentations transdisciplinaires, Université d’Ottawa. Ottawa, 2015.

Carr, Paul R. La démocratie, l’alphabétisation politique et l’éducation transformatoire. Centre de recherche en éducation et formation relatives à l'environnement et à l'écocitoyenneté - Centr'ERE, UQAM. Montréal, 2015.

Carr, Paul R. Education and Teacher Management in Fragile States. UNESCO International Task Force for Teachers for Education for All conference. Rabat, 2014.

Carr, Paul R. Le pluralisme culturel : Quels modèles ? Pour quelle société ?. Université du Québec en Outaouais. Gatineau, 2014.

Carr, Paul R. Whiteness, Privilege and Identity in Teacher Education. Migration and Education: Theory and Practice of Intercultural Teacher Education and School Development. Universität Hildesheim. Hildesheim, 2014.

Carr, Paul R. L’antiracisme, l’identité et le changement. Groupe de recherche sur l’ethnicité et l’adaptation au pluralisme en éducation. Montréal, 1997.

AUT (Autres)

Carr, Paul R. A half-empty glass, and hallucinating for democracy. PESA Agora (20 juin 2021) :

Carr, Paul R., Gina Thésée. Ciudadanía mundial: Entrevista a Paul R. Carr y Gina Thésée. NetWARD XVII. 15 (2020) :

Carr, Paul R., Gina Thésée. Trump-fuelled chaos shows democracy is in trouble — here's a proposal to fix it. The Conversation (2021) :

Carr, Paul R. Teachers in Post-2015 International Education Agenda: What policies, practices and tools for teacher-related target? (7th International Policy Dialogue Forum). 65.

Hiebert, Matthew, Paul R. Carr. Education for Democracy: A Curriculum framework. (2014) : 1-35.