LIV (Livre)IImine, A., J.M. Fernandez, J.-Y. Marion, Luigi Logrippo, J. Garcia Alfaro. Foundations and Practice of Security
10th International Symposium, FPS 2017, Nancy, France, October 23-25, 2017, Revised Selected Papers
. Part of the Lecture Notes in Computer Science book series (LNCS, volume 10723) Also part of the Secu. Springer, 2018. 319. RAC (Revue avec comité de lecture)Anda, Amal Ahmed, Aidin Rasti, Sofana Alfuhaid, Alireza Parvizimosaed, Daniel Amyot, Marco Roveri, Luigi Logrippo, John Mylopoulos. Automated generation of smart contract code from legal contract specifications with Symboleo2SC. Software and Systems Modeling 2024. (2024) : 1-30. Parvizimosaed, Alireza, Marco Roveri, Aidin Rasti, Amal Ahmed Anda, Sofana Alfuhaid, Daniel Amyot, Luigi Logrippo, John Mylopoulos. Symboleo PC: Checking properties of legal contracts. Software and Systems Modeling
(2024) : Acceptée Stambouli, Abdelouadoud, Luigi Logrippo. Implementation of a Partial-Order Data Security Model for the Internet of Things (IoT) Using Software-Defined Networking (SDN)
. Journal of Cybersecurity and Privacy 4. 3 (2024) : 468-493.  Parvizimosaed, Alireza, Sepehr Sharifi, Daniel Amyot, Luigi Logrippo, Marco Roveri, Aidin Rasti, Ali Roudak, John Mylopoulos. Specification and analysis of legal contracts with Symboleo. Software and systems modeling, Springer 21. 6 (2022) : 2395-2427. Logrippo, Luigi. Multi-level models for data security in networks and in the Internet of things. Journal of Information Security and Applications 58. 102778 (2021) : 14 pages. Stambouli, Abdeldouadoud, Luigi Logrippo. Data flow analysis from capability lists, with application to RBAC. Information Processing Letters, Elsevier 141. (2019) : 30-40.  Ahmed Shaikh, Riaz , Kamel Adi, Luigi Logrippo. A Data Classification Method for Inconsistency and Incompleteness Detection in Access Control Policy Sets. International Journal of Information Security. Springer. 16. 1 (2017) : 91-113. Abd-Ali, Jamal, Karim El Guemhioui, Luigi Logrippo. A Metamodel for Hybrid Access Control Policies. Journal of Software 10. 7 (2015) : 784-797.  Khambhammettu, Hemanth, Sofiane Boulares, Kamel Adi, Luigi Logrippo. A Framework for Risk Assessment in Access Control Systems. Computers & Security Journal. Elsevier. 39, Part A, 2013. (2013) : 86-103. Shaikh, Riaz-Ahmed, Kamel Adi, Luigi Logrippo. Dynamic Risk-based Decision Methods for Access Control Systems. Computers & Security. Elsevier. 31. 4 (2012) : 447-464. Bouzida, Yacine, Luigi Logrippo, Serge Mankovski. Concrete- and abstract-based access control . International Journal of Information Security. Springer 10. 4 (2011) : 223-238. Logrippo, Luigi. Le origini del software industriale in Italia (Les origines de l'industrie du logiciel en Italie, article publié en italien). Sviluppo e organizzazione 2009. Avril 2009 (2009) : 52-63. Crespo, Rui G., M. Carvalho, Luigi Logrippo. Distributed Resolution of Feature Interactions for Internet Applications. Computer Networks 51. 2 (2007) : 382-397. Xu, Yiqun, Luigi Logrippo, Jacques Sincennes. Detecting Feature Interactions in CPL. Journal of Network and Computer Applications 30. 2 (2007) : 775-799. Adi, Kamel, Daniel Amyot, Luigi Logrippo. New Technologies in Distributed Systems (editorial). Annals of Telecommunications 61. 11-12 (2006) : Gorse, Nicolas, Luigi Logrippo, Jacques Sincennes. Formal Detection of Feature Interactions with Logic Programming and LOTOS.. Journal on Software and System Modelling 5. 2 (2006) : 121-134. Jiang, Dongmei, Ramiro Liscano, Luigi Logrippo. Personalization of Internet Telephony Services with SIP and Extended CPL. Computer Communications 29. 18 (2006) : 3766-3779. Amyot, Daniel, Luigi Logrippo, Michael Weiss. Generation of test purposes from Use Case Maps . Computer Networks 49. 5 (2005) : 643-660. Amyot, Daniel, Tom Gray, Ramiro Liscano, Luigi Logrippo, Jacques Sincennes. Interactive Conflict Detection and Resolution for Personalized Features. Journal of Communications and Networks 7. 3 (2005) : 353-366. Amyot, Daniel, Luigi Logrippo. Directions in Feature Interaction Research (editorial).. Computer Networks 45 2004. 5 (2004) : 563-567. Dini, Petre, Alexandre Clemm, Thomas Gray, Fuchun Lin , Luigi Logrippo, Stephan Reiff-Marganiec. Policy-enabled Mechanisms for Feature Interactions: Reality, Expectations, Challenges. Computer Networks 45 2004. 5 (2004) : 585 - 603. Stépien, B., Luigi Logrippo. Graphic Visualization and Animation of LOTOS Execution Traces. Computer Networks 40. 5 (2002) : 665-681. COC (Contribution à un ouvrage collectif)Mylopoulos, John, Daniel Amyot, Luigi Logrippo, Alireza Parvizimosaed, Sepehr Sharifi. Social requirements models for services.. Next-Gen Digital Services. A Retrospective and Roadmap for Service Computing of the Future - Essays Dedicated to Michael Papazoglou on the Occasion of His 65th Birthday and His Retirement.. Springer 2021,, 2021. 100-108. Plesa, Romelia, Luigi Logrippo. An Agent-Based Architecture for Context-Aware Communication.. Mobile Intelligence: Mobile Computing and Computational Intelligence. Wiley, 2010. 320-342. Adi, Kamel, Luigi Logrippo, Mourad Debbabi. Practice and Theory of IT Security (PTITS), Éditeurs.. Montréal : 2008. Logrippo, Luigi, Mohamed Faci. An Algebraic Framework for the Feature Interaction Problem. . Real- Time Systems: Modeling, Design, and Applications. World Scientific, 2007. 441-458. Adi, Kamel, Mourad Debbabi, Luigi Logrippo. Workshop Proceedings: Practice and Theory of IT Security (PTITS). Workshop Proceedings: Practice and Theory of IT Security (PTITS). Montréal : UQAM, 2006. 32. Andrade, Rossana, Luigi Logrippo. MoRaR: A Pattern Language for Mobility and Radio Resource Management.. Pattern Languages in Program Design 5. Addison-Wesley, 2006. 213-256. Logrippo, Luigi, Hafedh Mili, Aziz Salah. Proceedings of the 2006 Montreal Conference on e-Technologies (MCETECH 2006) (Montréal, May 2006). Proceedings of the 2006 Montreal Conference on e-Technologies (MCETECH 2006) (Montréal, May 2006). Montréal : UQAM - Dépt. d'informatique, 2006. 207. Adi, Kamel, Daniel Amyot, Luigi Logrippo. Nouvelles Technologies de la Répartition : ISBN 2-9809043-0-9. NOTERE'2005. 2005. 1-232. Adi, Kamel, Luigi Logrippo, Mohamed Mejri. Proceedings of the Workshop on Practice and Theory of Access Control Methodologies (WPTACT’2005). Proceedings of the Workshop on Practice and Theory of Access Control Methodologies (WPTACT’2005). Montréal : 2005. 40. Moses, Tim , Luigi Logrippo. New Challenges for Access Control. Ottawa : OCRI, 2005. 506. Amyot, D., Luigi Logrippo. Feature Interactions in Telecommunications and Software Systems VII. IOS Press, 2003. 329. CAC (Publications arbitrées dans des actes de colloque)Amyot, Daniel, Luigi Logrippo, John Mylopoulos, Marco Roveri, Amal Ahmed Anda, Regan Meloche, Sofana Abdullah Alfuhaid, Daniel Sousa-Dias. Engineering smart contracts with Symboloe: Progress Report 2024.. CASCON 2024., (2024). Acceptée Meloche, Regan, Durga Sivakumar, Amal A. Anda, Sofana Alfuhaid, Daniel Amyot, Luigi Logrippo, John Mylopoulos. A web-Based environment for the specification
and generation of smart legal contracts. Special volume of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, (2024). Acceptée Rouland, Quentin , Kamel Adi, Omer Landry Nguena Timo, Luigi Logrippo. Toward Automatic Enforcement of Security Pattern in Software Architecture. International Symposium on Foundations & Practice of Security, (2024). Acceptée Rouland, Quentin, Kamel Adi, Omer Landry Nguena Timo, Luigi Logrippo. A formal approach for security pattern enforcement in software architecture. Foundations and Practice of Security, 2024, (2024). Acceptée Rouland, Quentin, Kamel Adi, Omer Landry Nguena Timo, Luigi Logrippo. Detecting information disclosure vulnerability in software architecture using Alloy. CRISIS Conference, (2024). Acceptée Amyot, Daniel, Luigi Logrippo, John Mylopoulos, Marco Roveri, Amal Ahmed Anda, Alireza Parvisimosaed, Sofana Abdullah Alfuhaid, Sepehr Sharifi, Aidin Rasti, Regan Meloche, Daniel Sousa-Diaz. Engineering smart contracts with Symboleo: A progress report. CASCON 2023, IBM Corp. 235–237. (2023). Parvizimosaed, Alireza, Marco Roveri, Aidin Rasti, Daniel Amyot, Luigi Logrippo, John Mylopoulos. Model-checking legal contracts with SymboleoPC. 25th Intern. Conf. on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems (MODELS 22), ACM. 278-288. (2022).  Rasti, Aidin, Daniel Amyot, Alireza Parvizimosaed, Marco Roveri, Luigi Logrippo, John Mylopoulos, Amal Ahmed Anda. Symboleo2SC: From legal contract specifications to smart contracts. 25th Intern. Conf. on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems (MODELS 22), ACM. 2395-2427. (2022).  Mylopoulos, John, Daniel Amyot, Luigi Logrippo, Alireza Parvizi Mosaed, Sepehr Sharifi. Social dependence relationships in requirement engineering. Thirteenth International iStar Workshop co-located with 28th IEEE International Requirements Engineering Conference (RE 2020), CEUR. 55-60. (2020). Parvizimosaed, Alireza, Sepehr Sharifi, Daniel Amyot, Luigi Logrippo, John Mylopoulos. Subcontracting, assignment, and substitution for legal contracts in Symboleo. Conceptual Modeling - 39th International Conference, ER 2020, Vienna, Austria, , Springer. 271-285. (2020). Sharifi, Sepehr, Alireza Parvizi Mosaed, Daniel Amyot, Luigi Logrippo, John Mylopoulos. Symboleo: Towards a specification language for legal contracts. 28th IEEE International Requirements Engineering Conference (RE’20). IEEE CS. 2020., IEEE. (2020). Logrippo, Luigi, Abdelouadoud Stambouli. Configuring data flows in the Internet of Things for security and privacy requirements. . 11th International Symposium on Foundations and Practice of Security (FPS 2018). Montreal, Springer. 115-130. (2019). Logrippo, Luigi. Multi-level access control, directed graphs and partial orders in flow control for data secrecy and privacy. The10thInternational Symposium on Foundations & Practice of Security, Nancy (Fr), Springer . 111-123. (2018). Boulares, Sofiane, Kamel Adi, Luigi Logrippo. Insider threat likelihood assessment for access control systems. The MCETECH Conference on e-Technologies, Springer. 77-95. (2017). Boulares, Sofiene, Kamel Adi, Luigi Logrippo. Insider threat likelihood assessment for access control systems: Quantitative approach. Foundations and Practice of Security (FPS 2016), Québec, Springer. 135-142. (2016). Abd-Ali, Jamal, Karim El Guemhioui, Luigi Logrippo. Metamodeling with formal semantics with application to access control specification. MODELSWARD 2015, SCITEPRESS Digital Library. 16. (2015).  Boulares, Sofiene, Kamel Adi, Luigi Logrippo. Information-flow based security levels assessment for access control systems. MCETECH 2015, Heidelberg New York Dordrecht London. Springer. 105-121. (2015).  Abahmane, Omar, Luigi Logrippo. Granularity based flow control. 12th Annual International Conference on Privacy, Security, Trust (PST 2014), 239-248. (2014). Logrippo, Luigi. A logic method for reasoning about access control and flow control models. 7th International Symposium on Foundations and Practice of Security (FPS2014), Heidelberg New York Dordrecht London. Springer. 205-220. (2014). Hassan, Waël, Luigi Logrippo. Towards a Process for Legally Compliant Software. 6th International IEEE Workshop on Requirements Engineering and Law, (RELAW 2013), IEEE. 44-52. (2013). Khamadja, Salim, Kamel Adi, Luigi Logrippo. An Access Control framework for hybrid policies. The 6th International Conference on Security of Information and Networks (SIN 2013), 282-286. (2013). Khamadja, Salim, Kamel Adi, Luigi Logrippo. Designing flexible Access Control models for the Cloud. The 6th International Conference on Security of Information and Networks, ACM. 225-232. (2013). Khambhammettu, Hemanth , Sofiane Boulares, Kamel Adi, Luigi Logrippo. A Framework for Threat Assessment in Access Control Systems. 27th IFIP International Information Security and Privacy Conference , Springer. 187-198. (2012). Muyiwa, Olurin, Carlisle Adams, Luigi Logrippo. Platform for Privacy Preferences (P3P): Current Status and Future Directions.. Tenth Annual International Conference on Privacy, Security and Trust (PST2012), Publication électronique. IEEE. 217-220. (2012). Stepien, Bernard, Hemanth Khambhammettu, Kamel Adi, Luigi Logrippo. CatBAC: A Generic Framework for Designing and Validating Hybrid Access Control Models. IEEE International Workshop on Security and Forensics in Communication Systems, Ottawa, ON, Canada, June 10-15, 2012., IEEE. 6721-6726. (2012). Ahmed Shaikh, Riaz, Kamel Adi, Luigi Logrippo, Serge Mankovski. Risk-based Decision Method for Access Control Systems. 2011 Ninth Annual International Conference on Privacy, Security and Trust, PST 2011, Montréal. (2011). Logrippo, Luigi. From e-business to e-laws and e-judgments: 4,000 years of experience.. CYBERLAWS 2011, The Second International Conference on Technical and Legal Aspects of the e-Society , IARIA. 22-28. (2011). Slimani, Nadéra, Hemanth Khambhammettu , Kamel Adi, Luigi Logrippo. UACML: Unified Access Control Modeling Language. New Technologies, Mobility and Security (NTMS), 2011 4th IFIP International Conference on , IEEE. 1-8. (2011). Ma, Ji, Kamel Adi, Luigi Logrippo, Serge Mankovski. Risk Management in Dynamic Role Based Access Control Systems. IEEE 5th International Conference on Digital Information Management (ICDM 2010), IEEE Press. 423-430. (2010). Ma, Ji, Kamel Adi, Mohamed Mejri, Luigi Logrippo. Risk Analysis in Access Control Systems. PST2010 Eight International Conference on Privacy, Security and Trust, IEEE Press. 160-166. (2010). Ma, Ji, Luigi Logrippo, Kamel Adi, Serge Mankovski. Risk Analysis in Access Control Systems Based on Trust Theories. IEEE Workshop on Logics for Intelligent Agents and Multi-Agent Systems, IEEE Computer Society Press. 415-418. (2010). Riaz Shaikh, Ahmed, Kamel Adi, Luigi Logrippo, Serge Mankovskii. Inconsistency Detection Method for Access Control Policies. IEEE sixth International Conference on Information Assurance and Security (IAS 2010), 204-209. (2010). Shaikh, Riaz, Kamel Adi, Luigi Logrippo, Serge Mankovski. Detecting Incompleteness in Access Control Policies Using Data Classification Schemes. IEEE International Conference on Digital Information Management, 417-422. (2010). Wael, Hassan, Nadéra Slimani, Kamel Adi, Luigi Logrippo. Secrecy UML Method for Model Transformations. International conference on ASM, B and Z., Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Springer. 400. (2010). Adi, Kamel, Yacine Bouzida, Ikhlass Hattak, Luigi Logrippo, Serge Mankovski. Typing for Conflict Detection in Access Control Policies. 4th International MCETECH Conference on e-Technologies, Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing. Springer. 212-226. (2009). Hassan, Waël, Luigi Logrippo. A Governance Requirements Extraction Model for Legal Compliance Validation. IEEE 17th International Requirements Engineering Conference (RE'09): RELAW Workshop, Atlanta, Georgia, IEEE . (2009). Hassan, Waël, Luigi Logrippo. Interactions among secrecy models.. Tenth International Reference on Feature Interactions in Telecommunications and Software Systems, Amsterdam. IOS Press. 160-165. (2009). Hassan, W., Luigi Logrippo. Requirements and compliance in legal systems: a logic approach. Proc. of the Workshop on Requirements Engineering and Law (RELAW’08). Barcelona, Sept, (2008). Layouni, A.F., Luigi Logrippo, K.J. Turner. Conflict Detection in Call Control using First-Order Logic Model Checking.. 9th International Conference on Feature Interactions in Software and Communication Systems , Grenoble. 77-92. (2007). Logrippo, Luigi. Normative Systems: the Meeting Point between Jurisprudence and Information Technology? . 6th International Conference on Software Methodologies, Tools, and Techniques (SOMET 07)., IOS Press. 343-354. (2007). Plesa, Romelia, Luigi Logrippo. An Agent-Based Architecture for Contex-Aware Communications. 21st International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications Workshops (PCAC-07), 133-138. (2007). Hassan, Waël, Luigi Logrippo. Process-Based Access Control. Workshop on New Challenges in Access Control (NCAC 2005), Ottawa, ON. 233-259. (2006). Amyot, D., M. Weiss, Luigi Logrippo. UCM-Based Generation of Test Goals. 15th International Symposium on Software Reliability Engineering, St-Malo, France., CD-ROM, 17 pages. (2005).  Hassan, W., Luigi Logrippo, M. Mankai. Validating Access Control Policies in Alloy.. Workshop on Practice and Theory of Access Control Technologies, Montréal (Qc), January 2005, 17-22. (2005). Hassan, Wael, Luigi Logrippo. Governance Policies for Privacy Access Control and their Interaction. VIII International Conference on Feature Interaction (ICFI), Leicester, UK, Amsterdam. IOS Press. 114-130. (2005). Itani, W., Luigi Logrippo. Formal Approaches to Requirements Engineering : From Behavior Trees to Alloy.. Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering, Saskatoon, May 2005, 886-889. (2005). Jiang, Dongmei, Tet H. Yeap, Luigi Logrippo, Ramiro Liscano. Personalization for SIP Multimedia Communications with Presence.. Second IEEE International Conference on Service Systems and Services Management (ICSSSM'05), 1365-1368.. (2005). Jiang, Dongmei, Tet H. Yeap, Luigi Logrippo. Simulation of Personalized Services in SIP Communications. Second IEEE International Conference on Service Systems and Services Management (ICSSSM'05), China, June 2005, 1379-1382. (2005). Jiang, Dongmei, Tet Yeap, Ramiro Liscano, Luigi Logrippo. Two Approaches for Advanced Presence Services in SIP Communications. IEEE 7th Malaysia International Conference on Communications (MICC 2005), 172-177. (2005). Logrippo, Luigi. Immaturity and Potential of Formal Methods ; a Personal View. Calder, M. and Magill, E. (Eds.) Feature Interactions in Telecommunications Networks VI, IOS Press. 9-13. (2005). Mankai, Mahdi, Luigi Logrippo. Access Control Policies: Modeling and Validation. Nouvelles Technologies de la Répartition (NOTERE), Gatineau (Qc), August 2005, 85-91. (2005). Plesa, Romelia, Luigi Logrippo. Enhanced Communications Servers through Context Integration. 2nd International Workshop on Mobility Aware Technologies and Applications, Montréal, Octobre 2005 (MATA 2005), Montréal. 1-5. (2005). Andrade, R., Luigi Logrippo. Reuse and Validation of Requirements for Mobile Systems. XX Simposio Brasileiro de Redes de Computadores, May 1, 2002, Buzios (Brazil), 769-783. (2002). Crespo, R.G., Luigi Logrippo, T. Gray. Feature Execution Trees and Interactions. The 2002 International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Processing Techniques and Applications, Las Vegas, USA, July 1, 2002, 1230-1236. (2002). Andrade, R., Luigi Logrippo. A Pattern Language for Radio Resource Management. The 8th Conference on Pattern Languages of Programs (PloP 2001), Monticello, Illinois, September 2001., 21. (2001). Amyot, D., L. Charfi, N. Gorse, T. Gray, Luigi Logrippo, J. Sincennes, B. Stepien, T. Ware. Feature Description and Feature Interaction Analysis with Use Case Maps and LOTOS. Feature Interactions in Telecommunications Networks VI, IOS Press. 274-289. (2000). Amyot, D., Luigi Logrippo. Structural Coverage for LOTOS : A Probe-Insertion Technique. G.v. Testing of Communicating Systems, Tools and Techniques, Kluwer, 19-34. (2000). Andrade, R., L. Bottomley, Luigi Logrippo, T. Coram. A Pattern Language for Mobility Management. The 7th Conference on Pattern Languages of Programs (PLoP 2000), Monticello, Illinois, August 2000, 23. (2000). Andrade, R., Luigi Logrippo. Reusability at the Early Development Stages of Mobile Wireless Communication Systems. The 4th World Multiconference on Systemics Cybernetics and Informatics (SCI 2000), Orlando, 11-16. (2000). Faci, M., Luigi Logrippo. An Algebraic Framework for the Feature Interaction Problem. Real-Time Systems, Salt Lake City, 1996, 280-294. (2000). Nakamura, M., T. Kikuno, J. Hassine, Luigi Logrippo. Feature Interaction Filtering with Use Case Maps at the Requirement Stage. Feature interactions in Telecommunications Network VI, IOS Press. 163-178. (2000). Amyot, D., Luigi Logrippo, R.J.A. Buhr, T. Gray. Use Case Maps for the Capture and Validation of Distributed Systems Requirements. Fourth IEEE International Symposium on Requirements Engineering (RE'99), Limerick (Ireland), 1999., 44-53. (1999). Andriantsiferana, L., B. Ghribi, Luigi Logrippo. Prototyping and Formal Requirement Validation of GPRS : A Mobile Data Packet Radio Service for GSM. Seventh International Conference on Dependable Computing for Critical Applications (IFIP/IEEE), San Jose, CA 1999, 99-118. (1999). Kamoun, J., Luigi Logrippo. Goal-Oriented Feature Interaction Dectection in the Intelligent Network Model . Feature Interactions in Telecommunications, IEEE Conference, Bouma, 1998, W. and Kimbler, K. (Eds). 172-186. (1998). Amyot, D., Luigi Logrippo, R.J. Buhr. Spécification et conception de systèmes communicants : une approche rigoureuse basée sur des scénarios d'usage. CFIP'97 Ingénierie des protocoles, Paris, 1997, 159-174. (1997). Farooqui, K., Luigi Logrippo. Group Interrogation : a Group Programmaing Primitive. Open Distributed Processing and Distributed Platforms, Toronto, May 1997, Chapman and Hall. 26-30. (1997). Kamoun, J., Luigi Logrippo. Spécification formelle et détection d'interaction entre les services dans les réseaux Intelligents. Ingénierie des Protocoles, Rabat Maroc, 1996., A. Bennani, R. Dssouli, A. Benkiran, O. Rafiq. 165-182. (1996). Stépien, B., K. Farooqui, Luigi Logrippo. An experience Modelling Telecommunication Systems using ODP-Dl comp.. Formal Methods for Open Object - based Distributed Systems, Paris, 1996, 223-238. (1996). Amyot, D., F. Bordeleau, R.J.A. Buhr, Luigi Logrippo. Formal Support for Design Techniques : A Timethreads-LOTOS Approach. 8th FORmal TEchniques International Conference, Montréal, 1995, North Holland, 1996. 57-72. (1995). Farooqui, K., Luigi Logrippo. The Intelligent Network Model in the Open Distributed Processing Architectural Framework. IEEE International 1995 Intelligent Network Workshop, Ottawa, 1995, 35-58. (1995). Stepien, B., Luigi Logrippo. Feature Interaction Detection Using Backward Reasoning with LOTOS. 14th International Symposium on Protocol Specification, Testing, and Verification, Vancouver, 1995, 71-86. (1995). Stépien, B., Luigi Logrippo. Representing and Verifying Intentions in Telephony Features Using Abstract Data Types. Feature Interactions in Telecommunications, IOS Press. 141-155. (1995). Faci, M., Luigi Logrippo. Specifying Features and Analyzing their Interactions in a LOTOS Environment. International Workshop on Feature Interactions Telecommunications Systems, Amsterdam, 1994 and, 62e congrès ACFAS, Montréal, 1994., 136-151, 167-182. (1994). Faci, M., Luigi Logrippo. Specifying Hardware in LOTOS. CHDL'93, IFIP Conference on Hardware Description Languages and their Applications, Ottawa, April 1993, 305-312. (1993). Ghribi, B., Luigi Logrippo. A Validation Environment for LOTOS. 13th INternational Symposium on Protocol Specification, Testing, and Verification, North-Holland, 1993, 93-108. (1993). Boumezbeur, R., Luigi Logrippo. Specifying Telephone Systems in LOTOS and the Feature Interaction Problem. International Workshop on Feature Interactions in Telecommunications Systems, St. Petersburg, Fla., December 1992., 95-108. (1992). Boumezbeur, R., Luigi Logrippo. Validation of LOTOS Specifications Using an Interpreter. Fifth International Workshop on Computer-Aided Software Engineering, Montréal, July 1992, 128-139. (1992). Haj-Hussein, M., Luigi Logrippo, J. Sincennes. Goal-Oriented Execution of LOTOS Specifications. 4th FORmal TEchniques International Conference, Perros-Guirec, France, 1992., 311-327. (1992). Gallouzi, S., Luigi Logrippo, A. Obaid. A Hoare-Style Proof Systems for LOTOS. 3rd FORmal TEchniques International Conference, Madrid, 1991., 49-62. (1991). Gallouzi, S., Luigi Logrippo, A. Obaid. An Expressive Trace Theory for LOTOS. 11th International Symmposium on Protocol Specifications, Testing, and Verification, Stockholm, 1991, 159-175. (1991). Gallouzi, S., Luigi Logrippo, A. Obaid. Le LOTOS : Theorie, applications, outils. CFIP'91 - Ingénierie des Protocoles, Hermes, 1991, 385-404. (1991). Haj-Hussein, M., Luigi Logrippo. Specifying Distributed Algorithms in LOTOS. Computer Networks '91, Wroclaw Polytechnic Press. 50-62. (1991). Bochmann, G.V., Luigi Logrippo, B. Sarikaya. Formal specifications for protocols : Issues and experiences. IFIP Conf. on Computer Networking COMNET'90, Budapest, North Holland, 1990, 3-21. (1990). Gueraichi, D., Luigi Logrippo. Derivation of Test Cases for LAP-B from a LOTOS Specification. 2nd FORmal TEchniques International Conference, Vancouver, 1989, 361-374. (1990). Logrippo, Luigi, T. Melanchuck, R.J. Du Wors. The Algebraic Specification Language LOTOS : An Industrial Experience. ACM SIGSOFT International Workshop on Formal Methods in Software Development, Napa, CA., 1990, 59-66. (1990). Faci, M., Luigi Logrippo, B. Stepien. Formal Specifications of Telephone Systems in LOTOS. 9th International Symposium on Protocol Specification, Testing, and Verification, Enschede, NL, 1989, 25-34. (1989). Logrippo, Luigi. LOTOS : An Algebraic Specification Language for Distributed Systems. First International Conference : Algebraic Methodology and Software Technology, The University of Iowa, Iowa City, May 1989, 107-110. (1989). Guillemot, R., Luigi Logrippo. Derivation of Useful Execution Trees from LOTOS Specifications by Using an Interpreter. The 1st FORmal TEchniques International Conference, Stirling, UK., 1988, 311-325. (1988). Guillemot, R., M. Haj-Hussein, Luigi Logrippo. Executing Large LOTOS Specifications. 8th International Symposium on Protocol Specification, Testing, Verification, Atlantic City, NJ, 1988, 399-410. (1988). Logrippo, Luigi, A. Obaid. Outils logiciels pour le langage LOTOS. Colloque francophone sur l'ingénierie des protocoles, Bordeaux, France, 1988, Eyrolles. 255-266. (1988). Obaid, A., Luigi Logrippo. An Atomic Calculus of Communicating Systems. North Holland, 1987, 91-104. (1987). Obaid, A., Luigi Logrippo. SINAPS - An Interactive Simulator for CCS. The 1987 IASTED Conference, Santa Barbara, Ca, 1987, 160-163. (1987). Briand, J.P., M.C. Fehri, Luigi Logrippo, A. Obaid. A Structure of of a LOTOS Interpreter. ACM SIGCOMM 1986 Symposium, Stowe, Vermont, 1986, ACM Press. 167-175. (1986). Briand, J.P., M.C. Fehri, Luigi Logrippo, A. Obaid. Executing LOTOS Specifications. IFIP WG 6.1 Sixth International Workshop, Montréal, Canada, June 1986, 73-84. (1986). Scollo, G., G. Pappalardo, Luigi Logrippo, E. Brinksma. The OSI Transport Service and its Formal Description in Lotos. IFIP RC 6 Working Conference COMNET'85, Budapest, October 1985, 465-488. (1985). Vissers, C., Luigi Logrippo. The Importance of the Concept of Service in the Design of Data Communications Protocols. IFIP W.G. 6.1 Fifth International Workshop, Toulouse-Moissac, France, June 1985, 3-17. (1985). Stepien, B., Luigi Logrippo. A Software Package for the Classification of Melodic Lines. Actes de la session musicologique, International Computer Music Conference (Organized by IRCAM), Elmarrato, 1984, 25-40. (1984). Logrippo, Luigi. Input-Directed Program Design. ACM'81 Conference Proceedings, Los Angeles, CA, USA, November 1981, 263-267. (1981). Logrippo, Luigi. On Maximally Parallel Program Schemas. 1977 Conference on Information Sciences and Systems, Baltimore, USA, March 1977, 35-40. (1977). Logrippo, Luigi. Some Optimization Problems in Program Schemas. International Symposium on Proving and Improving Program, Arc-et-Senans, France, July 1975, 147-166. (1975). RAP (Rapport de recherche)Adi, Kamel, K. Felty, Luigi Logrippo, B. Stépien, B. Stépien. 2003. Evaluation of Current Research in Firewall Analysis, Presented to Communications Security Establishment. Ottawa. : RSC (Revue sans comité de lecture)Logrippo, Luigi. The order-theoretical foundation for data flow security.
. Computing Research Repository 2403.07226 (2024) (2024) : Logrippo, Luigi. Causality in computer science (letter to Editor). Communications of the ACM 59. 7 (2016) : 8. CNA (Communication non arbitrée)Logrippo, Luigi. Symboleo: for specifying, monitoring, analyzing and transforming smart contracts. International Conference on AI and Law, Workshop on Computable Contracts. Braga, Portugal, 2023-06-19. Logrippo, Luigi, Abdelouadoud Stambouli. Configuring data flows in organizations and the Internet of Things for security and privacy. Serene-Risc Security Review (SECREV). Montréal et en ligne, 2020-05-20.  Stambouli, Abdeldouadoud, Luigi Logrippo. Problems and methods for data flow control in the internet of things. Serene-Risc: the smart security network, Fall 2018 workshop. UQO, Oct. 24, 25. Logrippo, Luigi. Information flow control in organisations and networks . Présentation invitée. Commissariat à la protection de la vie privée du Canada, 2017-03-05. Logrippo, Luigi. Présentation à table ronde. Information flow control in organizations and networkd. Congrès MCETECH 2017. Ottawa, 2017-05-19. Logrippo, Luigi, Sofiene Boulares, Kamel Adi. Access control to data based on concepts of data flow history and risk. TAROT Summer School 2016. Paris, France, 2016-07-05.  Logrippo, Luigi. Conformance aux besoins légaux, la dernière frontière pour la recherche en intimité. Séminaire de l'Université de Lyon 1, Département d'informatique. Lyon, France, 2014-03-24. Logrippo, Luigi, Kamel Adi. Conception de modèles de contrôle d'accès flexibles pour l'infonuagique. JOURNÉE TECHNO AU CRIM : LA SÛRETÉ DE FONCTIONNEMENT. Computer Reseacrh Institute de Montréal, 2014-10-29.  Logrippo, Luigi. Aspects de conformité à la loi dans la recherche sur la sécurité et l'intimité. Colloque de l'École Supérieure de Télécommunications. ENST Bretagne Brest-Rennes, Mars 2014, Mars 2014. Logrippo, Luigi. La sécurité et l'intimité dans les systèmes vehiculaires. Semaine de recherche UQO. UQO, 2014-03-27. Logrippo, Luigi. Méthode logique pour prouver les propriétés des modèles de sécurité. Colloque d'ENST Bretagne. ENST Bretagne, Rennes , Février 2014. Logrippo, Luigi. Présentation à table ronde:A Software Engineering Process for Legally Compliant Software. Sixth International Workshop on Software Engineering and Law. Rio de Janeiro, Juillet 2013. Logrippo, Luigi. Conformance to Legal Requirements in Service Oriented Architectures. Third Kuwait Conference on E-Services and E-Systems (KCESS 2012). Kuwait, Decembre 2012. Logrippo, Luigi. Conformance to Legal Requirements: The last frontier for privacy research. 10th International Conference on Privacy, Security and Trust (PST2012). Paris, France, July 2012. Logrippo, Luigi. Présentation à table ronde: Security and privacy in cloud computing. Cyberlaws 2011. Gosier, Guadéloupe, France, 26 février 2011. Logrippo, Luigi. Normative Systems: the Meeting Point between Jurisprudence and Information Technology? . Conférence invitée, International Symposium on Global Information Governance (ISGIG 2008).. Pisa, Nov. 2008. Logrippo, Luigi. Policy-driven systems for security, privacy and governance: semantic analysis. Conférence invitée, CA-World. Las Vegas, Nov. 2008. Logrippo, Luigi, Tom Gray. Presence Services: A Look at the Future. OCRI Research Partnership Series. Ottawa, ON, 2006 Sept 21. Logrippo, Luigi. Politiques et interactions de politiques dans les services de télécommunications. Présentation invitée . Institut National des Télécom (Evry, France) et France Telécom (Issy, France), Juillet 2005. Logrippo, Luigi. Feature and policy interactions in Internet Telephony. Ottawa Wireless Research Alliance. CRC Ottawa, Mai 2005. Logrippo, Luigi. Feature Interactions. Concordia Summer School on Communications Software Engineering. Concordia U, Montréal, Aug 2004. Logrippo, Luigi. Politiques et interactions de politiques dans les services de communication. . Communication invitée, Colloque Nouvelles Technologies de la Répartition. Saïdia, Maroc, Juin 2004. Logrippo, Luigi. Logic Issues in Policy Languages. Communication invitée. Schloss Dagstuhl, Allemagne, 2002. Logrippo, Luigi. Feature Interactions. Concordia Summer School on Communications Software Engineering. Montréal, Août 2002. Logrippo, Luigi. Generation of Protocols for Telephony Features from Scenario Requirements. Concordia Prestigious Workshop on Communications Software Engineering. Montréal, Août 2001. Logrippo, Luigi. Recent Research on Mobility Protocols Validation and Design. Présentation invitée - Annual meeting of IFIP WG 2.2. Rennes, France, 2001. Logrippo, Luigi. Software Technologies for Communications. CITO Reserach Review . Logrippo, Luigi. Immaturity and Potential of Formal Methods. Sixth Feature Interaction Workshop. Glasgow, UK, 2000. Logrippo, Luigi. Méthodes formelles pour la génération de protocoles à partir d'exigences. Présentation invitée. Institut National des Télécommunications, Paris, 2000. Logrippo, Luigi. Towards a High-Quality Standards Development Process for Mobile Telephony. Invited Poster Presentation, Wireless Networks IX. Ottawa (Nortel Networks), 2000, 24. Amyot, D., Luigi Logrippo. Specifications and Validation of Telecommunications Systems with Use Case Maps and LOTOS. MICON'99 Fourth Mitel Workshop, 6 pages. Amyot, D., R. Andrade, Luigi Logrippo, J. Sincennes, Z. Yi. Formal methods for mobility standards. IEEE Emerging Technologies Symposium on Wireless Communications and Systems, Richardson, TX, 1999, 7 pages. Logrippo, Luigi. Design, Validation, and Verification of Telecommunications Software. CITO Research Forum, Ottawa, 1999, 8 pages. Logrippo, Luigi. Formal Design, Specification and Validation of Telephony Protocols. CITO Research Review - Software Engineering, Toronto, 1999, 34 pages. Logrippo, Luigi. Formal Design, Specification and Validation of Wireless Protocols with Application to the WIN standard. Wireless Networks VIII, Richardson, 1999. Amyot, D., P. Forhan, N. Hart, Luigi Logrippo. Formal Specification and Validation using a Scenario-Based Approach. ObjecTime Workshop on Resarch in Real-Time Object-Oriented Modeling, 1998, 8 pages. Logrippo, Luigi. Development, Specification and Validation Methods for Mobile Standards, Protocols and Software. Advanced Technology Wireless Forum VII, Nortel, Ottawa, 1998. Farooqui, K., Luigi Logrippo. The Reference Model of Open Distributed Processing. IEEE International 1995 Intelligent Network Workshop (IN'95), Ottawa. Logrippo, Luigi. An Introduction to LOTOS, with Telephony Examples. IEEE Workshop on Industrial-Strength Formal Spefication Techniques (WIFT'95), Boca Raton, Fla, 1995. Farooqui, K., Luigi Logrippo. Open Distributed Processing Framework of Viewpoints in the Design Process Framework. Distriburted Multimedia Applications and Quality of Services Verification, Universitiy of Montreal, 1994 . Logrippo, Luigi, A. Rachdi, R. Tuok. Formal Specification and Generation of Use Cases for a Mobile Telephny Standard. Communicating Informatics and Distributed Systems, Centre Jacques Cartier, Grenoble, France, 1994, 191 pages. Logrippo, Luigi. LOTOS in Telephony. Fifth International Conference on Formal Description Techniques, 1992, 175-201. Stepien, B., Luigi Logrippo. Status-Oriented Telephone Service Specifications : An Exercise in LOTOS Style. 1st AMAST Workshop on Real-Time Program Development, Iowa City, 1993. Stepien, B., Luigi Logrippo. Viewpoint Transformation . International Conference on Open Distributed Processing, Berlin, 1993, 352-562. Boumezbeur, R., Luigi Logrippo. Formal Description of Telephone Services Using LOTOS. Quality Engineering Workshop, Ottawa, 1991, 21.1-21.12. Logrippo, Luigi. The University of Ottawa LOTOS Interpreter. 3rd FORmal TEchniques International Conference, Madrid, 1991. Logrippo, Luigi. LOTOS : Some Techniques and Applications. 2nd International Conference FORTE'89, Vancouver, Dec. 1989, 18-34. Logrippo, Luigi. An Interpreter for the Open System Interconnection Specification Language LOTOS. Ottawa-Carleton Research Research Institute Presentation Day, Ottawa, May 1986. Logrippo, Luigi, D. Simon, H. Ural. Executable Description of the OSI Transport Service in Prolog.. IFIP WG 6.1 Fourth International Workshop,Skytop Lodge, PA, USA, June 1984, 279-293. Logrippo, Luigi. Constructive and Executable Specifications of Protocol Services by Usign Abstract Data Types and Finite-State Transducers. IFIP WG 6.1 Third International Workshop, Zurich, Switzerland, May-June 1983, 111-124. Logrippo, Luigi, R.L. Probert. Protocol Specification-Level Validation. IFIP WG 6.1 Second International Workshop, Idyllwild, CA, USA, May 1982, 303-304. Logrippo, Luigi, B. Stepien. Statistical Software Tools for Computer-Assisted Analysis of Music. International Congress on Applied Systems Research and Cybernetics, Acapulco, Mexico, December 1980, Vol V, 2553-2563. Hickey, P.J., Luigi Logrippo, R. Pelinski, E.C. Strong. Internal and External Representation of Musical Notation for an Ethnomusicological Project. 10th Ontario Universities Computing Conference, Ottawa, June 1979, 215-228. BRE (Brevet)Shaikh, Riaz Ahmed, Kamel Adi, Luigi Logrippo, Serge Mankovski. Validation of consistency and completeness of access control policy sets . Canada-USA US 20120124639 A1. 2014.  AUT (Autres)Crespo, R.G., Luigi Logrippo. Distributed Resolution of Feature Interactions for Internet Applications. Internet Engineering Task Force / Internet-Draft submitted Oct. 2008 Crespo, R.G., Luigi Logrippo. Feature Interactions Problem Statement. Internet Engineering Task Force, Internet-Draft submitted Oct. 2008 |