RAC (Revue avec comité de lecture)Saidani, Nadjate, Kamel Adi, Mohand Said Allili. A Semantic-Based Classification Approach for an Enhanced Spam Detection. Computer and Security. Elsevier. 94: 101716 (2020) : Hamouid, Khaled, Kamel Adi. Secure and reliable certification management scheme for large-scale MANETs based on a distributed anonymous authority. Springer-Peer-to-Peer Networking and Applications (2019) : 1137-1155. Adi, Kamel, Lamia Hamza, Liviu Pene. Automatic security policy enforcement in computer systems. Computers & Security. Elsevier. 73. (2018) : 156-171. Bouhaddi, Myria, Mohand Said Rajef, Kamel Adi. An Efficient Intrusion Detection in Resource-Constrained Mobile Ad-hoc Networks. Computers & Security. Elsevier. 76. (2018) : 156-177. Boulaiche, Ammar, Kamel Adi. An auto-learning approach for network intrusion detection. Telecommunication Systems - Springer 68. 2 (2018) : 277-294. Ahmed Shaikh, Riaz , Kamel Adi, Luigi Logrippo. A Data Classification Method for Inconsistency and Incompleteness Detection in Access Control Policy Sets. International Journal of Information Security. Springer. 16. 1 (2017) : 91-113. Hamouid, Khaled, Kamel Adi. Efficient certificateless web-of-trust model for public-key authentication in MANET.
. Computer Communications. Elsevier. 63. (2015) : 24-39. Khambhammettu, Hemanth, Sofiane Boulares, Kamel Adi, Luigi Logrippo. A Framework for Risk Assessment in Access Control Systems. Computers & Security Journal. Elsevier. 39, Part A, 2013. (2013) : 86-103. Shaikh, Riaz-Ahmed, Kamel Adi, Luigi Logrippo. Dynamic Risk-based Decision Methods for Access Control Systems. Computers & Security. Elsevier. 31. 4 (2012) : 447-464. Langar, Mahjoub, Mohamed Mejri, Kamel Adi. Formal Enforcement of Security Policies on Concurrent Systems. Journal of Symbolic Computation. Elsevier. 46. 9 (2011) : 997-1016. Ma, Ji, Mehmet Orgun, Kamel Adi. An Analytic Tableau Calculus for a Temporalised Belief Logic. Journal of Applied Logic. Elsevier. 9. 4 (2011) : 289-304. Adi, Kamel, Liviu Pene, Luke Sullivan. Games for Non-Repudiation Protocol Correctness. International Journal of Wireless and Mobile Computing. Inderscience. 4. 4 (2010) : 305-313. Hamouid, Khaled, Kamel Adi. Secure and Robust threshold Key Management (SRKM) scheme for ad hoc networks. Security and Communication Networks. Wiley InterScience. Special issue on security and trust management for dynamic coalitions. 3. 6 (2010) : 517-534. Adi, Kamel, Daniel Amyot, Luigi Logrippo. New Technologies in Distributed Systems (editorial). Annals of Telecommunications 61. 11-12 (2006) : Adi, Kamel, M. Debbabi, M. Mejri. A New Logic for Electronic Commerce Protocols. Theoretical Computer Science (TCS) 291. (2003) : 223-283. Adi, Kamel, M. Debbabi. Abstract Interpretation for Proving Secrecy Properties in Security Protocols. Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science (ENTCS) 55. 1 (2002) : 29-53. COC (Contribution à un ouvrage collectif)Adi, Kamel, Luigi Logrippo, Mourad Debbabi. Practice and Theory of IT Security (PTITS), Éditeurs.. Montréal : 2008. Adi, Kamel, Mourad Debbabi, Luigi Logrippo. Workshop Proceedings: Practice and Theory of IT Security (PTITS). Workshop Proceedings: Practice and Theory of IT Security (PTITS). Montréal : UQAM, 2006. 32. Adi, Kamel, Daniel Amyot, Luigi Logrippo. Nouvelles Technologies de la Répartition : ISBN 2-9809043-0-9. NOTERE'2005. 2005. 1-232. Adi, Kamel, Luigi Logrippo, Mohamed Mejri. Proceedings of the Workshop on Practice and Theory of Access Control Methodologies (WPTACT’2005). Proceedings of the Workshop on Practice and Theory of Access Control Methodologies (WPTACT’2005). Montréal : 2005. 40. CAC (Publications arbitrées dans des actes de colloque)Bouhaddi, Myria, Kamel Adi. Enhancing Privacy in Machine Learning: A Robust Approach for Preventing Attribute Inference Attacks. 21st International Conference on Security and Cryptography, SECRYPT, Dijon, France. 224-236. (2024). Pierre Fobougong, Saha, Mohamed Mejri, Kamel Adi. Toward the Foundation of Digital Identity Theory. 21st International Conference on Security and Cryptography, SECRYPT 2024, Dijon, France. 812-819. (2024). Rouland, Quentin , Kamel Adi, Omer Landry Nguena Timo, Luigi Logrippo. Toward Automatic Enforcement of Security Pattern in Software Architecture. International Symposium on Foundations & Practice of Security, (2024). Acceptée Rouland, Quentin, Kamel Adi, Omer Landry Nguena Timo, Luigi Logrippo. A formal approach for security pattern enforcement in software architecture. Foundations and Practice of Security, 2024, (2024). Acceptée Rouland, Quentin, Kamel Adi, Omer Landry Nguena Timo, Luigi Logrippo. Detecting information disclosure vulnerability in software architecture using Alloy. CRISIS Conference, (2024). Acceptée Bekhouche, Mohamed El Amine, Kamel Adi. A BERT-Based Framework for Automated Extraction of Behavioral Indicators of Compromise from Security Incident Reports.. Foundations and Practice of Security - 16th International Symposium, FPS 2023, Bordeau, France. Springer. 219-232. (2023). Bouhaddi, Myria, Kamel Adi. Mitigating Membership Inference Attacks in Machine Learning as a Service. IEEE International Conference on Cyber Security and Resilience, CSR 2023., Venise, Italy. 262-268. (2023). Bouhaddi, Myria, Kamel Adi. Multi-Environment Training Against Reward Poisoning Attacks on Deep Reinforcement Learning. 20th International Conference on Security and Cryptography, SECRYPT, Rome, Italy. 870-875. (2023). Massmi, Karima, Khaled Hamouid, Kamel Adi. Secure Electric Vehicle Dynamic Charging Based on Smart Contracts. IEEE International Symposium on Networks, Computers and Communications, ISNCC 2023, Doha, Qatar. 1-6. (2023). Yacine, Sam, Kamel Adi, Nasredine Cheniki, Noé Breton. POWoT : a Privacy Ontology for the Web of Things. IEEE/WIC/ACM International Joint Conference on Web Intelligence and Intelligent Agent Technology, WI-IAT 2022, 119-126. (2022). Boucenna, Fateh, Kamel Adi, Samir Kechid. Access Pattern Hiding in Searchable Encryption. 8th International Conference on Future Internet of Things and Cloud, FiCloud 2021, Romme, Italy. 107-114. (2021). Hamouid, Khaled, Omar Mawloud, Kamel Adi. A Privacy-Preserving Authentication Model Based on Anonymous Certificates in IoT. IEEE Wireless Days, WD 2021, Paris, France. 1-6. (2021). Hamouid, Khaled, Kamel Adi. Privacy-aware Authentication Scheme for Electric Vehicle In-motion Wireless Charging. International Symposium on Networks, Computers and Communications, ISNCC 2020, 1-6. (2020). Saidani, Nadjate, Kamel Adi, Mohand Said Allili. Semantic-based efficient spam detection. The 12th International Symposium on Foundations & Practice of Security. FPS'2019, 72-81. (2019). Saoudi, Lalia, Kamel Adi, Youness Boudraa. A rejection-based approach for detecting SQL injection vulnerabilities in Web applications. The 12th International Symposium on Foundations & Practice of Security. FPS'2019, 379-386. (2019). Boulares, Sofiane, Kamel Adi, Luigi Logrippo. Insider threat likelihood assessment for access control systems. The MCETECH Conference on e-Technologies, Springer. 77-95. (2017). Pene, Liviu, Lamia Hamza, Kamel Adi. Compliance Verification Algorithm for Computer Systems Security Policies. The MCETECH Conference on e-Technologies, Springer. 96-115. (2017). Saidani, Nadjate, Kamel Adi, Mohand Said Allili. A Supervised Approach for Spam Detection using Text-based Semantic Representation
. The MCETECH Conference on e-Technologies, Springer. 136-148. (2017). Bouhaddi, Myria, Kamel Adi, Mohand Said Rajef. Evolutionary Game-Based Defense Mechanism in the MANETs. 9th International Conference on Security of Information and Networks, (2016). Boulares, Sofiene, Kamel Adi, Luigi Logrippo. Insider threat likelihood assessment for access control systems: Quantitative approach. Foundations and Practice of Security (FPS 2016), Québec, Springer. 135-142. (2016). Boulares, Sofiene, Kamel Adi, Luigi Logrippo. Information-flow based security levels assessment for access control systems. MCETECH 2015, Heidelberg New York Dordrecht London. Springer. 105-121. (2015). Bouhaddi, Myria, Mohammed Saïd Radjef, Kamel Adi. A Game Approach for an Efficient Intrusion Detection System in Mobile Ad hoc networks. 7th International Symposium on Foundations and Practice of Security, Springer. 16 pages. (2014). Khamadja, Salim, Kamel Adi, Luigi Logrippo. An Access Control framework for hybrid policies. The 6th International Conference on Security of Information and Networks (SIN 2013), 282-286. (2013). Khamadja, Salim, Kamel Adi, Luigi Logrippo. Designing flexible Access Control models for the Cloud. The 6th International Conference on Security of Information and Networks, ACM. 225-232. (2013). Boulaiche, Ammar, Hatem Bouzayani, Kamel Adi. A quantitative approach for intrusions detection and prevention based on statistical n-gram models. International Conference on Ambient Systems, Networks and Technologies , Elsevier. 450-457. (2012). Hamouid, Khaled, Kamel Adi. Self-certified based trust establishment scheme in ad hoc networks. Fifth IFIP International Conference on New Technologies, Mobility and Security, IEEE. 7 pages. (2012). Khambhammettu, Hemanth , Sofiane Boulares, Kamel Adi, Luigi Logrippo. A Framework for Threat Assessment in Access Control Systems. 27th IFIP International Information Security and Privacy Conference , Springer. 187-198. (2012). Stepien, Bernard, Hemanth Khambhammettu, Kamel Adi, Luigi Logrippo. CatBAC: A Generic Framework for Designing and Validating Hybrid Access Control Models. IEEE International Workshop on Security and Forensics in Communication Systems, Ottawa, ON, Canada, June 10-15, 2012., IEEE. 6721-6726. (2012). Ahmed Shaikh, Riaz, Kamel Adi, Luigi Logrippo, Serge Mankovski. Risk-based Decision Method for Access Control Systems. 2011 Ninth Annual International Conference on Privacy, Security and Trust, PST 2011, Montréal. (2011). Slimani, Nadéra, Hemanth Khambhammettu , Kamel Adi, Luigi Logrippo. UACML: Unified Access Control Modeling Language. New Technologies, Mobility and Security (NTMS), 2011 4th IFIP International Conference on , IEEE. 1-8. (2011). Langar, Mahjoub, Mohamed Mejri, Kamel Adi. Formal Approach for Concurrent Systems Verification. SAM'10 - International Conference on Security and Management., Las Vegas, Nevada, USA. 400-405. (2010). Langar, Mahjoub, Mohamed Mejri, Kamel Adi. Rewriting-Based Security Enforcement of Concurrent Systems: a Formal Approach. International Conference on Security and Cryptography, Athens, Greece. 66-74. (2010). Ma, Ji, Kamel Adi, Luigi Logrippo, Serge Mankovski. Risk Management in Dynamic Role Based Access Control Systems. IEEE 5th International Conference on Digital Information Management (ICDM 2010), IEEE Press. 423-430. (2010). Ma, Ji, Kamel Adi, Mohamed Mejri, Luigi Logrippo. Risk Analysis in Access Control Systems. PST2010 Eight International Conference on Privacy, Security and Trust, IEEE Press. 160-166. (2010). Ma, Ji, Luigi Logrippo, Kamel Adi, Serge Mankovski. Risk Analysis in Access Control Systems Based on Trust Theories. IEEE Workshop on Logics for Intelligent Agents and Multi-Agent Systems, IEEE Computer Society Press. 415-418. (2010). Ould-Slimane, Hakima, Mohamed Mejri, Kamel Adi. Enforcing More Than Safety Properties by Program Rewriting: Algebraic Foundations. FCS-PrivMod 2010. Workshop on Foundations of Security and Privacy, Edinburgh, UK. 15 pages. (2010). Riaz Shaikh, Ahmed, Kamel Adi, Luigi Logrippo, Serge Mankovskii. Inconsistency Detection Method for Access Control Policies. IEEE sixth International Conference on Information Assurance and Security (IAS 2010), 204-209. (2010). Shaikh, Riaz, Kamel Adi, Luigi Logrippo, Serge Mankovski. Detecting Incompleteness in Access Control Policies Using Data Classification Schemes. IEEE International Conference on Digital Information Management, 417-422. (2010). Wael, Hassan, Nadéra Slimani, Kamel Adi, Luigi Logrippo. Secrecy UML Method for Model Transformations. International conference on ASM, B and Z., Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Springer. 400. (2010). Adi, Kamel, Yacine Bouzida, Ikhlass Hattak, Luigi Logrippo, Serge Mankovski. Typing for Conflict Detection in Access Control Policies. 4th International MCETECH Conference on e-Technologies, Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing. Springer. 212-226. (2009). Hamouid, Khaled, Kamel Adi. Robust Key Management Scheme for Certification in Mobile Ad-hoc Networks. IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications , 7 pages. (2009). Ji, Ma, Orgun Mehmet , Sattar Abdul, Kamel Adi. Temporalised Epistemic Logic for Reasoning about Agent-Based Systems. IEEE Workshop on Logics for Intelligent Agents and Multi-Agent Systems, (2009). Mejri, Mohamed, Kamel Adi. Formal Specification and Analysis of Firewalls. 8th International Conference on Software Methodologies, Tools and Techniques, 10 pages. (2009). Ould-Slimane, Hakima, Mohamed Mejri, Kamel Adi. Using Edit Automata for Rewriting-Based Security Enforcement. 23rd Annual IFIP WG 11.3 Working Conference on Data and Applications Security (DBSEC'2009). Research Advances in Database and Information Systems Security, Lecture Notes in Computer Science , Springer. 14 pages. (2009). Adi, Kamel, Lamia Hamza, Liviu Pene. Formal Modeling for Security Behavior Analysis of Computer Systems. Montreal Conference on e-technologies, IEEE. 49-59. (2008). Adi, Kamel, Liviu Pene. Formal Reasoning for Security Protocol Correctness. New Trends in Software Methodologies Tools and Techniques, IOS Press. 63-83. (2008). Boulaiche, Ammar, Kamel Adi. Honeyd Detection via Abnormal Behaviors Generated by the ARPD Deamon. International Conference on Security and Cryptography - SECRYPT'2008, Portugal. INSTICC Press. 65-71. (2008). Hamza, Lamia, Kamel Adi. Formal Technique for Discovering Complex Attacks in Computer Systems
. New Trends in Software Methodologies Tools and Techniques, IOS Press. 185-199. (2007). Langar, Mahjoub, Mohamed Mejri, Kamel Adi. Formal Approach for Security Policy Enforcement in Concurrent Programs. International Conference on Security and Management, 165-171. (2007). Hamza, Lamia, Kamel Adi, Karim El Guemhioui. Automatic generation of attack scenarios for intrusion detection systems. International Conference on Internet and Web Applications and Services, Gosier, Guadeloupe. IEEE Computer Society Press. CD-ROM. (2006). Liviu, Pene, Kamel Adi. Calculus for Distributed Firewall Specification and Verification. The 5th International Conference on Software Methodologies, Tools and Techniques, IOS Press. 301-315. (2006). Mahjoub, Langar, Mohamed Mejri, Kamel Adi. Formal Monitor For Concurrent Programs. Practice and Theory of IT Security , 6-10. (2006). Ould-Slimane, Hakima, Mohamed Mejri, Kamel Adi. Enforcing Security Policies on Programs.. The 5th International Conference on Software Methodologies, Tools and Techniques., IOS Press. 195-207. (2006). Adi, Kamel, Adnane El-Kabbal, Liviu Pene. Distributed Firewall Verification with Mobile Ambients. Workshop on Practice and Theory of Access Control Technologies. WPTACT'05, Montréal. 28-33. (2005). Adi, Kamel, Adnane El-Kabbal, Mohamed Mejri. Un Système de Types pour l'Analyse des Pare-feux. 4ème Conférence sur la Sécurité et Architectures Réseaux, Batz sur Mer (France). 227-236. (2005). Adi, Kamel, Liviu Pene. Secrecy Correctness for Security Protocols. International Conference on Distributed Frameworks for Multimedia Applications. DFMA'2005, Besançon. IEEE Computer Society. 22-29. (2005). Adi, Kamel, Luke Sullivan. Access control based on dynamic monitoring for detecting software malicious behaviors. Workshop on New Challenges for Access Control. NCAC'2005, Ottawa. 17-18. (2005). Adi, Kamel, Luke Sullivan. Sufficient Conditions for Ensuring Probabilistic Fairness in Exchange Protocols. 7th International Symposium on Programming and Systems. ISPS'2005, Alger. 49-58. (2005). Adi, Kamel, Mourad Debbabi, Liviu Pene. Abstract Interpretation for Secrecy Correctness in E-Commerce Protocols. Montreal Conference on e-technologies, MCETECH'2005, Montréal. 45-57. (2005). Huang, Y., T.A. Denidni, Larbi Talbi, Kamel Adi. A New Approach to Modeling Indoor Wireless Communication Channel at EHF. International Conference on Sciences of Electronic, Techn. of Inform. & Telecom., Susa, Tunisia, March, CD-ROM, 4 pages. (2004). Adi, Kamel. A game semantics approach for security protocols.. 6th International Symposium on Programming and Systems, ISPS’2003, Alger. (2003). Adi, Kamel, Mohamed Mejri, Mourad Debbabi. A New Logic for Electronic Commerce Protocols. 8th International Conference on Algebraic Methodology and Software Technology (AMAST), Iowa City. Springer. 499-513. (2000). Bert, Didier, Rachid Echahed, Kamel Adi. Resolution of Goals with the functional and logic programming language LPG : impact of abstract interpretation. International Conference on Algebraic ethodology and Software Technology, AMAST’96, Munich. Springer. (1996). RAP (Rapport de recherche)Adi, Kamel, K. Felty, Luigi Logrippo, B. Stépien, B. Stépien. 2003. Evaluation of Current Research in Firewall Analysis, Presented to Communications Security Establishment. Ottawa. : COF (Communication arbitrée)Adi, Kamel. Abstract Trace-Based Model for Security Protocol Correctness. Security Analysis and Modelling, SAM'04. Ottawa, 2004. Adi, Kamel, M. Debbabi. Abstract Interpretation for Proving Secrecy Properties in Security Protocols. First Workshop on Logical Aspects of Cryptographic Protocol Verification. WLACPV’2001. Paris, 01-01-2001. CNA (Communication non arbitrée)Logrippo, Luigi, Sofiene Boulares, Kamel Adi. Access control to data based on concepts of data flow history and risk. TAROT Summer School 2016. Paris, France, 2016-07-05. Logrippo, Luigi, Kamel Adi. Conception de modèles de contrôle d'accès flexibles pour l'infonuagique. JOURNÉE TECHNO AU CRIM : LA SÛRETÉ DE FONCTIONNEMENT. Computer Reseacrh Institute de Montréal, 2014-10-29. BRE (Brevet)Shaikh, Riaz Ahmed, Kamel Adi, Luigi Logrippo, Serge Mankovski. Validation of consistency and completeness of access control policy sets . Canada-USA US 20120124639 A1. 2014. AUT (Autres)Adi, Kamel. Formal Specification and Analysis of Security Protocols. Ph.D. Thesis.. (2002-08-01) : 250. Adi, Kamel, M. Debabi, M. Mejri. A Finite, Complete and Sound Tableau- Based system For a New Logic for E-Commerce Protocols. (1999-01-01) : Debbabi, M., Kamel Adi, F. Massicote, M. Mejri, H. Chambaz. Comparative Analysis of Security APIs. (1999-01-01) : Adi, Kamel. An optimal Abstract Continuation Passing Style. (1994-01-01) : Adi, Kamel. L’ évaluation partielle dans les langages logiques. (1993-01-01) : |