Inventaire de la production - UQO

Professeur Frédéric Lesage
Productions incluses dans la recherche : LIV, RAC, COC, CAC, RAP, RSC, COF, CNA, CRE, GRO, BRE, AUT,

RAC (Revue avec comité de lecture)

Lesage, Frédéric, Reynald Eugénie, Michel Aladji. Multiphase natural convection heat sink for information and communications technology applications. Thermal Engineering 7. 71 (2024) : 608-616.

Lesage, Frédéric, Reynald Eugénie. Thermal Sensibility Analysis of Photoelectric Dark Current. Applied Solar Energy 2. 59 (2023) : 102-110.

Koffi, N'Guessan, Tinko Eftimov, Alla Arapova, Frédéric Lesage, Wojtek Bock, Amine Cherif. Simultaneous measurement of thermal gradient and average temperature in concrete blocks using non-uniform long period optical fiber gratings. IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation & Measurement 71. (2022) : 1-8.

Eftimov, Tinko, Marcel Koffi, Frédéric Lesage, Predrag Mikulic, Wojciech J. Bock. Thermal gradients sensing using LPGs with a spatially varying effective refractive index difference. Optics and Laser Technology 122. (2020) : 105836.

Eftimov, Tinko, N'Guessan Koffi, Frédéric Lesage, Predrag Mikulic, Wojciech J. Bock. Responses to temperature and thermal gradients of non-uniform cascaded LPGs taking into account dispersion . Optical Fiber Technology 55. (2020) : Article number 102098.

Koffi, Marcel, Tinko Eftimov, Frédéric Lesage, Wojciech J. Bock, Predrag Mikulic. Measurement of thermal gradients using long period gratings at different levels of ambient refractive indices. Journal of Lightwave Technology 37. 18 (2019) : 4674-4679.

Lesage, Frédéric. The thermal diffusivity of hemplime, and a method of direct measurement. Construction and Building Materials 212. (2019) : 707-715.

Lesage, Frédéric, Eric V Sempels. Optimization of Thermoelectric Generators in the Presence of Heat Losses and Fluid Flows. IEEE Transactions on Components, Packaging and Manufacturing Technology 8. 9 (2018) : 1573-1580.

Robinson, AJ, Frédéric Lesage, A Reilly, G McGranaghan, G Byrne, R O'Hegarty, O Kinnane. A new transient method for determining thermal properties of wall sections. Energy and Buildings 142. (2017) : 139-146.

Sempels, Eric V, Frédéric Lesage. Optimal thermal conditions for maximum power generation when operating thermoelectric liquid-to-liquid generators. IEEE Transactions on Components, Packaging and Manufacturing Technology 7. 6 (2017) : 872-881.

Sempels, E. V., R. Kempers, Frédéric Lesage. Load-bearing Figure-of-Merit Characterization of a Thermoelectric Module. IEEE Transactions on Components, Packaging and Manufacturing Technology 6. (2016) : 50-57.

Dallan, Bruno S., Joseph Schumann, Frédéric Lesage. Performance evaluation of a photoelectric–thermoelectric cogeneration hybrid system. Solar Energy 118. (2015) : 276-285.

Moraes, F. S., L. C. Santos, R. N. Alencar, E.V. Sempels, J.-C. Sandoval, Frédéric Lesage. Solar thermoelectric generator performance relative to air speed. Energy Conversion and Management 99C. (2015) : 326-333.

Amaral, C., C. Brandão, E.V. Sempels, Frédéric Lesage. Net thermoelectric generator power output using inner channel geometries with alternating flow impeding panels. Applied Thermal Engineering 65. (2014) : 94-101.

Amaral, C., C. Brandão, E.V. Sempels, Frédéric Lesage. Thermoelectric power enhancement by way of flow impedance for fixed thermal input conditions. Journal of Power Sources 272C. (2014) :

Lesage, Frédéric, S. Siedel, J.S. Cotton, A.J. Robinson. A Mathematical Model for Predicting Bubble Growth for Low Bond and Jakob Number Nucleate Boiling. Chemical Engineering Science 112. (2014) : 35-46.

Trinh, A.-K., I Gonzalez, R. Fournier, L. Fournier, J.-C. Sandoval, Frédéric Lesage. Solar thermal energy conversion to electrical power. Applied Thermal Engineering 70. (2014) : 675-686.

Lesage, Frédéric, E.V. Sempels, N. Lalande-Bertrand. A study on heat transfer enhancement using flow channel inserts for thermoelectric power generation. Energy Conversion and Management 75. (2013) : 532-541.

Lesage, Frédéric, F. Marois. Experimental and numerical analysis of quasi-static bubble size and shape characteristics at detachment. Int. J. of Heat and Mass Transfer 64. (2013) : 53-69.

Lesage, Frédéric, J.S. Cotton, A.J. Robinson. Analysis of quasi-static vapour bubble shape during growth and departure. Physics of Fluids 25. 6 (2013) : 067103-1-21.

Lesage, Frédéric, N. Pagé-Potvin. Experimental analysis of peak power output of a thermoelectric liquid-to-liquid generator under an increasing electrical load resistance. Energy Conversion and Management 66. (2013) : 98-105.

Lesage, Frédéric, R. Pelletier, L. Fournier, E.V. Sempels. Optimal Electrical Load for Peak Power of a Thermoelectric Module with a Solar Electric Application. Energy Conversion and Management 74. (2013) : 51-59.

Lesage, Frédéric. Modelling of quasi-static adiabatic bubble formation, growth and detachment for low Bond numbers. Chemical Engineering Science 104. (2013) : 742-754.

Robinson, A.J., Frédéric Lesage, R. Judd. Numerical method for spherical bubble growth in superheated liquids. Computational Thermal Sciences 2. 1 (2010) : 19-31.

Fournier, R., Frédéric Lesage. Cases of equality for refinements of Bernstein's inequality. Computational Methods and Function Theory (2006) :

CAC (Publications arbitrées dans des actes de colloque)

Eftimov, Tinko, N'G Koffi, Frédéric Lesage, P Mikulic, W.J. Bock, M.H. Akue. Temperature gradient sensing using LPGs with non-identic halves. Optical Fiber Sensors 2020, Washington. (2020).

Eftimov, Tinko, N'Guessan Koffi, Frédéric Lesage, Predrag Mikulic, Wojtek Bock, Moevi Akue. Temperature gradient sensing using LPGs with non-identic halves. Optical Fiber Sensors Conference, Alexandria, Virginia, USA. W4.91. (2020).